Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well Tickle Me Pink!

... er well maybe not. I don't go pink when tickled. I wonder where that expression came from?

Anyway I saw something yesterday that gave me a good laugh. It was something with good intentions, but ultimately useless. I was driving along (I'll get onto where later) when I came across the sign "Test Your Brakes". Now this is a great sign to have before you descend down a very steep hill however...

... in this case I came across this sign when I was already half way down the hill! I think half-way down the hill is a bit too late to be testing the brakes. I'd imagine if they didn't work you'd get a similar feeling as the sky diver who's just pulled the ripcord and nothing happens. The sense of impending doom as you hurtle steadily downwards.

Where was this hill I hear you cry (I'm hear lots of voices nowadays don't you worry). It was just south of Bath on one ofthe back roads between a place called Frome and Bath itself. I ended up down there with work on a very last minute job. So last minute I learn't of it at about 3pm on Tueday afternoon and drove down Tuesday evening as I had to start work at 8:30am on the Wednesday.

I'm now back in Leeds. I have a meeting with a customer tomorrow, so I had to finish the job today. Work just seems ridiculous at the moment, I have loads to do in the office yet I'm finding myself out on site more often lately. Next week I'm due to work on an incinerator in Ashford, Kent for 3 days next week. And one of those days is a Saturday, just so I can have 3 days in the office. Oh and again Im travelling down in the evening after working a full day.

That's irritating, but do you know what's been the most irritating thing this week has been? The light switch congiuration in the Frome Travel inn. Each switch is for a different bulb in the room. You walk in the rooma nd you can only see one switch, you press it and the light above the door comes on. You can now see the switches for the lights above the bed, so you walk over and switch them on. You then walk back to the door to switch the first light off. You need to reverse the process when leaving the room. Argh! The amount of times I climbed into bed forgetting about that light near the door!

Here's a statistic for you: Last month I spent 25% of the month in a travel inn.


Simon said...

That light arrangement sounds like a Zelda puzzle. As such, I would have thought you would master it! :P

Dogeared said...

25%? Holy crap!

Also, your work is insane!

Unknown said...

...sometimes life just has a way of tickling you don't you think? :) I am assuming that your breaks were in proper working condition...? Glad to hear you're okay.