Thursday, April 27, 2006

Let me Take you on a Journey of Site and Sound...

... you are leaving reality. Normal rules donot apply hear. You are entering a random blog!

*Shocking, no?*

Firstly a TV update. I still don't have mine back. I'm really glad I'm not paying for the repair. They've fixed it, but they seem to only be able to deliver it if they're passing within miles of the house on the way to another job. There's nothing else within 5 miles of my house!!! I finally managed to persuade them to drop it off at work (but they couldn't guarantee a day), on the proviso that I could guarnatee there would be somewhere to park!


Work has been hell for the last 30 hours of which I reckon I have worked the last 20 of them. I have ben asked to complete a piece of work, that the president of the compant has been sat on since february (for various reasons). It is needed for Friday and because it all rolls down hill the job finally landed on my desk. So I'm currently dodging the need for work by ranting. Anything to stop me from having to go back to it.


Her's a little thing to do next time our bored (or dodging work). Go to MSN search, you know, the one ou sometimes get when the webpage doesn't exist and search for "kinitawowi". I'll be interested know what people get as top search. I know I was surprised.


I need to mow the lawn


Middlesbrough are currently losing on aggregate!


Thought for the Day: Life is like living in a tumble drier. Warm, fuzzy and full of static!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Wherefore art thou TV?

I'm back. And I've come back to a house devoid of one thing, my TV. But more on this sad state of affairs later.

What's even sadder is that I had to leave LA. But let's focus on all the good stuff. The fact that i actually managed to go to LA in the firstplace, so let's have a nice recap:

Please don't shoot me if I have forgotten anyhting or missed anybody out. I'm sure between those of us who made it and blog you'll get the 411 on everything that happened.

Took the train to Stoke-on-Trent meeting up with Dave in Manchester Piccadily. Once we'd disturbed Simon enough while he was trying to finish marking coursework we trapsed into Stoke to find an internet cafe with one specific purpose, to check-in. I would recommend this to anyone, if you're flying with BA (or any other airline that offers this service) use it. It saved us no end of time and effort at the airport (more later). Once we'd printed our tickets and sorted our seats it was back to Bally's for Chips and football, but as all 3 of us weren't drinking - no beer.

A day of travelling that sort of went like this:
* Taxi to Stoke station.
* Train to London Euston.
* Tube to London Paddington
* Heathrow Express to London Heathrow
* Heathrow to LAX via a late running BA 747.
* LAX to Cassy's via Cassy's Cabs.
I would recommend Cassy's Cabs to anyone as it was the most reliable transport we used all week ;-)

After working off 20 hours of travelling Cassy took myself, Simon and Dave for breakfast at IHOP (International House of Pancakes). I'll tell you what as well, if I went there for breakfast everyday you'd be rolling me around LA eventually. During the afternoon, while Cassy went to collect more of the UK population (Amanda & Caz), the rest of us came to the conclusion that American Cable suffers the same problems as Sky. Lot's of channels and nothing to watch, so we watched some pre recorded House instead until Amanda and Caz turned up. Then it was off to the Cheesecake factory for v. large meals and cheesecake to go.

Not needing as much time as the ladies, I didn't need to get up ridicuously early, but still ended up doing so anyway. I think my biggest chore was having to iron my shirt from the rigours of my suitcase! The wedding was a very beautiful affair! Having met Rian & Jazz on the way we proceeded to get lost on our first attempt at finding the Japanese gardens. WD'ers just can't read maps or signs! All weddings should have the weather/setting this one had.

The reception was held at a Japanese restaurant, which had one big surprise for us all. We had to cok our own food at the table. I think our table came with only one setting - Extra Crispy!

MMMM BBQ. The weather was good. The company was brilliant. Will, Annika and Rich joined the rest of at chez Cassy for grilled meat products, alcohol and lots of funny stories. Will, as well as being an excellent BBQ chef is a goldmine of stories and stuff. Unfortunately they had to leave us all too soon. So everybody (except the 2 non-drinkers) drowned there sorrows watching house. I suspect Simon doesn't want to hear the word Lupis again though!

Another trip to IHOP and then Caz and Amanda had to leave us. Sob. When Cassy retured we immediatley decided to visit that great american institution - the shopping mall. I spent too much on books and DVD's. I also bought travel scrabble for the trip back (much to bally's consternation).

A v. lazy day. Lots of Veronica Mars on DVD, posted my postcard back to the office and then off to the mexican restaurant for... guess what... a mexican. It was okay, but in my not so culinery opinion there was too much meat and not enough veg.

Woke up early enough to finish watching Veronica Mars. It suddenly dawned on me that we'd managed to watch all of the first season in the time we'd been at Cassies. Unfortuantely it was all too soon time to leave. Cassie was a brilliant hostess all week, I mean she drove everybody everywhere we need to go. I really bet she's sick of the site of the road to/from LAX by now. So A big hug and thanks go out to Cassie. We left LAX on time at 3:35 pm and...

...arrived at Heathrow at 9:30am the next morning. Through some good fortune (and running between platforms) I made it back to my Parent's house in York by 4pm that afternoon. Only 16 hours or so after leaving LA. Hey, well maybe public transport can work.

I'm finally back at home after being Comotosed with Jet lag for 2 1/2 days. My TV is unfortunately away for repair (thankfully still in the warranty period) and so i'm using the old portable TV in the meantime. I wish it came with a zoom function...

Thought for the day:

We are ruled by Fear. Don't believe me? Or is it that you are afraid to admit I'm right!