Sunday, July 02, 2006

Off on my Travels Again.


It's that time of year again. Work has run out of engineers again, so it me (as the next in line) to be out and about nex week. This time I'm going to that great UK urban centre - Ipswich. Yes until Thursday I'm going to be working in the "not so far" east next to a huge incinerator on one of the hottest weeks of the year.


Why can't we (humans) come with air conditioning. With all my safety kit on (boots and hard hat + flourescent Jacket) I think I'll emerge from the plant on Thurday one big sweaty mess (sorry for that picture).

Would you also believe how long it's taken me to write such a small post? We're currently in the middle of a thunderstorm and my interenet connection is currently the virtual Yo-Yo.



CosmicAvatar said...

I feel for you. I was so hot and sweaty today, and nowhere near an incinerator!

Simon said...

Lovely! Have fun and remember to drink lots of water. [/Dad]

Dogeared said...

Think of the pounds you'll sweat away! Did you know that racing drivers lose 10lbs per race, due to the sweat? And aren't you glad I gave you that visual [wink]

Sorry about the heat and work thing though. I hope it cools down - for one thing, I'm running on the 9th and 15th, which are either end of when you're away!

Meghan said...

Ack! what an awful place to be in that heat.

I feel for you.