Saturday, July 22, 2006


Well you said to make the third breakage cheap! And who am I to ignore advice. Last night I broke the cheapest thing of all to break....!

Don't worry it's not too bad, I'm just being melodramatic. I was playing Volleyball on the staff team against a team of cadets. Except that the cadets had a full team of 6 and the staff had a team of 3. So we were running around like our tails on fire trying to cover the entire court. In this weather we ended up looking like we'd gone for a swin in our clothes. Let's leave that picture there shal we! We eventually won, but at the cost of me!

As we had a lot of court to cover, the cadet tactic was obviously to hit it into the space. My tactic, run like a mad man and then dive to try and keep the ball up allowing my team to recover. Which is fine until I decided to land on my side. It now hurt like hell, nothing's really broken, just bruised. My left arm is also really stiff and it hurts to move anything on that side. I've been told it should get better by mid week. So in the meantime I'm sleeping on my rightside. ;-)

Thurday night was T'ai Chi and we were holding a demonstration to try and attract more people. All of the more senior students gave individual demonstrations ( alot of it was new to me as well) and all I can really say is wow. The most senior student went through about 30 different sword forms consecutively. The sword was a real one as well. It was a perfect example of why T'ai Chi is also sometimes called a form of dance.

And Sunday there is a ceremony at York minster to celebrate the 85th anniversery of the Womens section of the Royal British Legion. There's even royalty in attendence. More info here. The ATC have been asked to attend to help with proceedings, so I'm going along to help supervise. Unfortunately I need to be in best dress (shirt and tie + jacket) and I'll be outside most of the day!

I wish suits came with inbuit air conditioning. [/doh]


Dogeared said...

Well at least it was cheap and will soon be fixed, but ow indeed.

See you should have had the match when I'm up, I love volleyball!

Andy E said...

"See you should have had the match when I'm up, I love volleyball!"

That can probably be arranged!

Dogeared said...


I miss volleyball so much. I'm an underarm server (but it confuses the other team so it's all good). But I love volleying the ball in the air.

Andy E said...

I tend to serve both ways. We play in a hanger so there's plenty of height to volley upwards. But cadets still contrive to hit the roof!

Simon said...

Hope you had a good one Sunday! Heal up shoon!

CosmicAvatar said...

Oh, poor you! Both with regard to the injury and having to wear a suit in this dreadful hot weather. Yuck!