Monday, May 21, 2007

Meet Mr Pointy!

In no way is ths post going to be on Topic!

Whenever anybody says, this may sting a bit. Please believe them!!! I went for a blood test this morning. This is not the first time I've had a blood test, but this is the first time it has really made me wince. I'm sure the poor old nurse was doing the best she could, but if I were to do a one word review of this particualr test it would be this:


Still at least she found the vein first time. I'd hate to think what would of happened if I became a human pin cushion. So why I am going through this, well as those of you who attended Amanda's party know I didn't exactly have a good journey. I was giving Dave and Simon a lift down to Sandhurst, when I began to feel "not well". I ended up having a panic attack and an ambulance was called while I was at a hotel.

I eventually made it to the party on the Saturday (along with Simon & Dave) and managed to really enjoy myself despite how I was feeling. I always enjoy it when I get together with friends and nights such as Eurovision make it all the better. Below are the edited highlights from the party. I'll setup an invite only account when I get to sort through the full set of photo's.

Martin and Rohan, can you guess which one is the party animal?


Mike and Richard, I have no idea what is more intersting than me with my camera.

Simon and H (our co-host and chef), somehow they found time between showers to barbeque.


Helen & Amanda (our hostess), yes I know there is a third person i this one, I just don't know who it is.


Can you guess what it is. I get really jealous (the good kind) of a "certain persons" arty shots on another blog and attempted to do my own. ;-) I don't think I'll be giving up my day job.

I made it back on Sunday after a 5 hour drive in the pouring rain. After a night sleep I didn't really feel any better so I went to see my GP. And so I'm now going through a few rounds of tests. Last week was the first round and this morning was the second. No news yet and I hate waiting, but these things are never quick. It's just that my imagination works overtime and in the meantime I just have to put up with it in the meantime.

I actually stayed with my parents last week. Last week was one of those weeks where I couldn't face living on my own. Coming back to an empty house after work, I felt like I could just burst into tears. I'm back at my place now, it doesn't echo quite as badly as it seemed to last week.

But it stil does echo!


Simon said...

Here's hoping them tests show something good, sir.

Anonymous said...

"I actually stayed with my parents last week. Last week was one of those weeks where I couldn't face living on my own. Coming back to an empty house after work, I felt like I could just burst into tears."

Awwww, pumpkin. [virtualhug] will try to make it better.

The pics are cool - Rohan is so photogenic, it is getting silly!

Eileen said...

I hope there's good news from the tests. And I hope you feel better soon.

Jess said...

[hug] Sorry you're having to go through tests and uncertainty. I hope it turns out well.

Dogeared said...

I love Amanda's expression on that photo! And despite your good envy (hee, I know, because you told me), I like that arty shot - it looks like a glowing buttercup!

Hope you feel better soon, and I also send virtual hugs.

CosmicAvatar said...

Honestly, it does depend on the nurse. The last blood test I had definitely "stung" a LOT but the previous nurse was amazing - I swear I never felt it go in. I had to look at the needle in my arm to believe it. I hope the test yields results, at any rate.

I know what you mean about the empty house thing. Even living with someone you can get that feeling sometimes if they're not there.

On a final note - photos! I actually look fairly sober, but I bet I'm not. [evil] Haven't a clue re the arty shot bar so I'll go with Helen's guess...

CosmicAvatar said...

... or is it a banana? OK, now I'm just clutching at straws. It had better not be anything a) in my house and b) belonging to me from the party, or I'll be most ashamed to have not realized what it is...

CosmicAvatar said...

Oooh, wait, wait! Yellow pepper? Last guess, honest.

Meghan said...

I, too, hope the tests give you some peace of mind about what's going on.

I only lived alone once. It was cool at first, but I definitely was ready to live with people again. I think right now is bit of a rough patch for you, and it's always harder to be alone at times like that.

I love your photos... yet, I have NO clue what that last one is (dare I ask?). But, it's tres artsy. ;]

Dogeared said...

I know what the arty shot is (it's not a buttercup, I'm just saying it resembles it!)

But I won't spoil Andy's photo and give it away. I just happened to be next to him when he took the photo.

And Amanda, it is in your house! What was around where Andy was sitting, and glows/shines?

CosmicAvatar said...

Hee, I'm glad I saw the answer, because my first thought would be, "No way do my lightsabres look like that!"
