Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Big Five-O.

Wow for some reason this post is actually my 50th post since I started this blog. Can you belive it? If I'm not careful this thing will be surpasing my post count for the WD! I know that 50 isn't that big a milestone, but at the rate I post 50 IS a big milestone. ;-)

Unfortunately there are no big earth shattering announcements that would be suitable for a milestone post, so instead you'll just have to put up with a whimsical post looking at my current favourite things.

The first thing is this little device I bought on Thursday.

And yes, it is a toy helicopter. But it is actually a tiny thing, about the size of your average paperback book. It is remote controlled and it actually flies! I bought it to use as a teaching aid, for when I teach principles of flight at ATC. The fact that I also have a lot of fun flying it has nothing to do with that decision. It's almost virtually indestructible so I dont have to worry when the cadets try to fly it.

The next is this little white box that lives under my TV.

Yup. I'm a single 27 year old male who still loves playing computer games. But this one is slightly different - okay we'll get the jokey bit out of the way now. It is called the Nintendo Wii (yes pronounced We, I refuse to add another 'e') and since I bought it both my parents and my Grandparents have played on it. Now they are the sort of people who don't normally play on these things.

The reason is, is that it is so much fun. It has remotes that mimic the movement of your arm rather than you having to press a button. Which means to play bowling, you swing your arm like you were bowling a real ball. Or to play tennis you swing it as if you were holding a racket. It's that simple, it's also quite energetic if you want it to be. Although I'm not suffering from tennis elbow... yet.

Next is my favourite treat. Yep, this is the food that I can't get enough of, but I hav enough will power to only treat myself too once in a while.

Tesco's Finest White Choc Chip cookies. Moreish (and fattening) don't quite cover it. They are just so moist...(drool). The glass actually contains one of the various smoothie drinks that you can buy at the moment. I discovered it quite by accident, when Tesco ran out of the orange juice I like. It's actually, Banana, Pineapple, Apple, Coconuts and Orange. The taste has grown on me and I now quite like it.

Have you ever had a picture that brings a warm glow whenever you see it?

This is picture is one of many in a book of work by an artist called Shin Takahashi. I think it's beauty is in its simplicity and I just wish I was able to scan it rather than photgraph it.

Finally I think at the moment this song has the title of most played on my PC at the moment, will it be the same after another 50 posts, we shall have to wait and see...


Dogeared said...

I'd forgotten about the Wii! So I can finally see what it's all about, come the end of February then!

Just remember, like any exercise - stretch afterwards! ;-)

Yay for geeky toys!

CosmicAvatar said...

Ahhh, but have you created/are you going to create reciprocal Miis for Dave and Simon?!