Another milestone for the year. For the first time this year I got my bike out of the garage and have started cycling again. As far as possible I am managing to stick to my resolution to improve my overall fitness levels. This included a resolution to try and eat more healthly, which I am only just managing to keep.
I decided to not go to far this evening as it has been about 2 months since I last got on my bike. So I just did circuits up and down the hill by the side of my house. The break was due to work commitments before Xmas and the weather after it. I try not to go out when it's too windy. There is something soul sapping about trying to cycle into the wind. It takes so much energy and you just never seem to get anywhere.
I'll tell you what if it was any colder I would have had second thoughts about going out. It wasn't so bad on the slower sections (ie uphill), but on the faster sections (downhill) my cheeks felt like they were going to freeze off. My fingers also started to become numb, which is a definate problem when you need them to operate the brakes at the bottom of the hill. ;-) Next time I'm definately wearing my thicker gloves (supposedly for going skiing so they should be warmer).
T'ai Chi is also in full swing. I attended an all day course on Saturday from 11am until 4pm. All of these courses are run in the sterotypical church hall setting and they all have no heating and are bloody freezing. After a while you do get warm, but things like fingers don't get used much so they were cold for most of the session. Except for during the break when one of the other students on the course brought round warm pasties. There's nothing like a cornish pasty to warm your hands!
Finally hooray for the return of Top Gear, you have been sorely missed. Apparently it won the ratings war for the first time ever on Sunday night. Still, that's what they have to go through to get it, let's hope it never happens again. Here's also hoping that it doesn't curtail their sense of fun.
My sunday evening routine is now complete.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The Big Five-O.
Wow for some reason this post is actually my 50th post since I started this blog. Can you belive it? If I'm not careful this thing will be surpasing my post count for the WD! I know that 50 isn't that big a milestone, but at the rate I post 50 IS a big milestone. ;-)
Unfortunately there are no big earth shattering announcements that would be suitable for a milestone post, so instead you'll just have to put up with a whimsical post looking at my current favourite things.
The first thing is this little device I bought on Thursday.

And yes, it is a toy helicopter. But it is actually a tiny thing, about the size of your average paperback book. It is remote controlled and it actually flies! I bought it to use as a teaching aid, for when I teach principles of flight at ATC. The fact that I also have a lot of fun flying it has nothing to do with that decision. It's almost virtually indestructible so I dont have to worry when the cadets try to fly it.
The next is this little white box that lives under my TV.
Yup. I'm a single 27 year old male who still loves playing computer games. But this one is slightly different - okay we'll get the jokey bit out of the way now. It is called the Nintendo Wii (yes pronounced We, I refuse to add another 'e') and since I bought it both my parents and my Grandparents have played on it. Now they are the sort of people who don't normally play on these things.
The reason is, is that it is so much fun. It has remotes that mimic the movement of your arm rather than you having to press a button. Which means to play bowling, you swing your arm like you were bowling a real ball. Or to play tennis you swing it as if you were holding a racket. It's that simple, it's also quite energetic if you want it to be. Although I'm not suffering from tennis elbow... yet.
Next is my favourite treat. Yep, this is the food that I can't get enough of, but I hav enough will power to only treat myself too once in a while.

Tesco's Finest White Choc Chip cookies. Moreish (and fattening) don't quite cover it. They are just so moist...(drool). The glass actually contains one of the various smoothie drinks that you can buy at the moment. I discovered it quite by accident, when Tesco ran out of the orange juice I like. It's actually, Banana, Pineapple, Apple, Coconuts and Orange. The taste has grown on me and I now quite like it.
Have you ever had a picture that brings a warm glow whenever you see it?
This is picture is one of many in a book of work by an artist called Shin Takahashi. I think it's beauty is in its simplicity and I just wish I was able to scan it rather than photgraph it.
Finally I think at the moment this song has the title of most played on my PC at the moment, will it be the same after another 50 posts, we shall have to wait and see...
Unfortunately there are no big earth shattering announcements that would be suitable for a milestone post, so instead you'll just have to put up with a whimsical post looking at my current favourite things.
The first thing is this little device I bought on Thursday.
And yes, it is a toy helicopter. But it is actually a tiny thing, about the size of your average paperback book. It is remote controlled and it actually flies! I bought it to use as a teaching aid, for when I teach principles of flight at ATC. The fact that I also have a lot of fun flying it has nothing to do with that decision. It's almost virtually indestructible so I dont have to worry when the cadets try to fly it.
The next is this little white box that lives under my TV.
The reason is, is that it is so much fun. It has remotes that mimic the movement of your arm rather than you having to press a button. Which means to play bowling, you swing your arm like you were bowling a real ball. Or to play tennis you swing it as if you were holding a racket. It's that simple, it's also quite energetic if you want it to be. Although I'm not suffering from tennis elbow... yet.
Next is my favourite treat. Yep, this is the food that I can't get enough of, but I hav enough will power to only treat myself too once in a while.
Tesco's Finest White Choc Chip cookies. Moreish (and fattening) don't quite cover it. They are just so moist...(drool). The glass actually contains one of the various smoothie drinks that you can buy at the moment. I discovered it quite by accident, when Tesco ran out of the orange juice I like. It's actually, Banana, Pineapple, Apple, Coconuts and Orange. The taste has grown on me and I now quite like it.
Have you ever had a picture that brings a warm glow whenever you see it?
Finally I think at the moment this song has the title of most played on my PC at the moment, will it be the same after another 50 posts, we shall have to wait and see...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
State of the Onion Address
My fellow orangutans,
I speak to you today not looking forward, but first of all looking back. Today I personally lost something today that has been a constant source of support these last few years. I am of course talking about my works laptop! Finally after a long stuggle with bad sectors it finally succumbed to the inevitable. It did not suffer, there was no blue screen, it past away peacfully as the system froze before the life support was switched off. There was no recovery.
It will be sorely missed. It was interned on a shelf in the IT cupboard in the hope that some of it's organs may allow another patop the chance of life. This does not leave us without a PC, the laptop has spent the last week passing it's information onto it's successor. I hope my new desk bound PC will be just as successful as the laptop. I'm sure we will be able to work around it's lack of mobility.
With the current impact of humans on the environment we must commit to using 20% less oil in the next 10 years. To this end I urge you, like me to give up frying your food. Instead we should be grilling or using other cooking methods that require no oil. I myself used my new kitchen top grill today for the first time. Although there were no instructions we do not go forward blind. Improving our environment will not prove a chore. I myslef spent half an hour cleaning the used grill and loved every minute of it. ;-P
In closing my fellow critters. May bob dress Anita.
I speak to you today not looking forward, but first of all looking back. Today I personally lost something today that has been a constant source of support these last few years. I am of course talking about my works laptop! Finally after a long stuggle with bad sectors it finally succumbed to the inevitable. It did not suffer, there was no blue screen, it past away peacfully as the system froze before the life support was switched off. There was no recovery.
It will be sorely missed. It was interned on a shelf in the IT cupboard in the hope that some of it's organs may allow another patop the chance of life. This does not leave us without a PC, the laptop has spent the last week passing it's information onto it's successor. I hope my new desk bound PC will be just as successful as the laptop. I'm sure we will be able to work around it's lack of mobility.
With the current impact of humans on the environment we must commit to using 20% less oil in the next 10 years. To this end I urge you, like me to give up frying your food. Instead we should be grilling or using other cooking methods that require no oil. I myself used my new kitchen top grill today for the first time. Although there were no instructions we do not go forward blind. Improving our environment will not prove a chore. I myslef spent half an hour cleaning the used grill and loved every minute of it. ;-P
In closing my fellow critters. May bob dress Anita.
Monday, January 22, 2007
(Money + Interest) x Time = Evil
It is said that money is the root of all evil. But over the past few days I've come across things that challange that theory.
My hypothesis, if you will, is that money is not the root of all evil, it is actually just the leaves. I have come to the conclusion that mortgage companies are actually the root of all evil. Let me explain:
When I bought my house I took out a 2 year fixed mortgage, the repayments are fixed no matter what happens to interest rates. Once 2 years are over the mortgage reverts to a rate that is much greater than what you were paying, which also tracks with interest rates. Well last week i received a letter from my mortgage companies evil lair, reminding me that the 2 years fixed would be over in April.
Aside :April! Bloody hell, has it be been that long already. My house must actually be built on a spacial disturbance visable only in the 4th-dimension, for time to pass this quick. I half expect Jean-Luc Picard to ring my doorbell at any moment. Which would be another physics defying feat in itself as I don't have one. ;-)
My current mortgage company also sent me an offer of another fixed rate (more than I'm paying now, but less than what I would pay once my original is up). Plus there are no fee's to pay for setting up this mortgage.
This offer is only valid for 7 days. Hmmm, I wonder if they are trying to rush me into a decision. Looking around I can get cheaper fixed rates, however there are fee's involved in setting up each that reduce the savings somewhat.
Then there are the problems of switching before the 2 years are up. There are heavy penalities for early repayment (and hence switching mortgages). Which mean if I wanted to setup a different mortgage now it would actually save me nothing (in fact costing me more). So I can't actually switch until the 2 years are up. Which is actualy 3 months away, when all the current deals will have changed.
It's all a bit like a game of Pontoon, do you stick, or do you twist. Who knew that such problems await the house buyer after they have owned there house for awhile. I certainly didn't and while I won't lose any sleep over it all I can't believe how complicated it all is. Also I can't believe how much you have to work out before switching and that tactics employed by companies to muddy the waters as it were.
Therefore I nominate mortgage companies as the root of all evil, while thanking them for lending me the money to buy my house in the first place!
My hypothesis, if you will, is that money is not the root of all evil, it is actually just the leaves. I have come to the conclusion that mortgage companies are actually the root of all evil. Let me explain:
When I bought my house I took out a 2 year fixed mortgage, the repayments are fixed no matter what happens to interest rates. Once 2 years are over the mortgage reverts to a rate that is much greater than what you were paying, which also tracks with interest rates. Well last week i received a letter from my mortgage companies evil lair, reminding me that the 2 years fixed would be over in April.
Aside :April! Bloody hell, has it be been that long already. My house must actually be built on a spacial disturbance visable only in the 4th-dimension, for time to pass this quick. I half expect Jean-Luc Picard to ring my doorbell at any moment. Which would be another physics defying feat in itself as I don't have one. ;-)
My current mortgage company also sent me an offer of another fixed rate (more than I'm paying now, but less than what I would pay once my original is up). Plus there are no fee's to pay for setting up this mortgage.
This offer is only valid for 7 days. Hmmm, I wonder if they are trying to rush me into a decision. Looking around I can get cheaper fixed rates, however there are fee's involved in setting up each that reduce the savings somewhat.
Then there are the problems of switching before the 2 years are up. There are heavy penalities for early repayment (and hence switching mortgages). Which mean if I wanted to setup a different mortgage now it would actually save me nothing (in fact costing me more). So I can't actually switch until the 2 years are up. Which is actualy 3 months away, when all the current deals will have changed.
It's all a bit like a game of Pontoon, do you stick, or do you twist. Who knew that such problems await the house buyer after they have owned there house for awhile. I certainly didn't and while I won't lose any sleep over it all I can't believe how complicated it all is. Also I can't believe how much you have to work out before switching and that tactics employed by companies to muddy the waters as it were.
Therefore I nominate mortgage companies as the root of all evil, while thanking them for lending me the money to buy my house in the first place!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Normal Service, Yet to Be Resumed
Looking back to last week I realised I actually worked for 7 days straight for a total of 74 hours. Gods, I'd hate to do that every week. It's no wonder I seem to be behind at everything at the moment. I came back from Eastbourne with piles of washing, ironing and house cleaning to do. Plus I still had to fix the toilet in the bathroom.
The good news is that the bathroom now has a leak-free toilet installed in it and everything else has now dried out. The carpet no longer fits properly, but that doesn't matter. It'll do until Iget round to tiling the floor. But I have a couple of other jobs in the bathroom to do, before I can do that. I need to sort out a plumber to fit a new show and taps for bath, plus I'm thinking of installing a towel radiator instead of the current tiny one that's currently in there.
The washing ironing and cleaning have also been blitzed. I don't know how I found the energy to do it all, but I'm sure they haven't put something in the water. Speaking of the water, I had an argument with the water company of my bill on Monday. It turned out to be right (although in my opinion it might still be suspect), but I'm awaiting the full year statement in June before I'm completely happy.
Work has been really busy this week. I was looking forward to being back in the office as it should be entirely less stressful but...
... my boss is working in Holland this week, out tech support engineer is on the sick suffering with DVT and our trainee engineer is also on the sick after being assaulted at the weekend. I'm doing the work of 3 men (although it's technically 2 as I haven't had chance to do any of mine). It may all be worth it eventually when the overtime comes through, but at the moment it is a complete pain.
So I currently have no social life until this weekend. This is becoming a habit I'm definately going to have to break this year. Work took up too much of my time last year and I don't want to let it happen this year. Call this a late new years resolution if you will. I won't blame my lack of a love life on work though. I'm totally honest on it being failings at my end more than anything else.
I've basically lost contact with the person I meet before Xmas. I tried to get in touch a couple of times but she was too busy and also not feeling well. I felt really bad for ringing. In fact that's a problem I always have. I never like ringing people or starting online conversations in case people are busy and I'm disturbing them. Stupid I know, but there you go. I'm sure psychologists would have a field day with that one. Another look into the mind of Andy, be careful what you find there. ;-)
The aslt conversation I had I asked her to get in contact when she was feeling better and not busy, needless to say that was 3 weeks ago. Do I try again, or do I just leave her alone and move on, or does coutesy demand one more try. Gah!
I am glad that it's only the friverolous (sp?) things I have to worry about at the moment.
The good news is that the bathroom now has a leak-free toilet installed in it and everything else has now dried out. The carpet no longer fits properly, but that doesn't matter. It'll do until Iget round to tiling the floor. But I have a couple of other jobs in the bathroom to do, before I can do that. I need to sort out a plumber to fit a new show and taps for bath, plus I'm thinking of installing a towel radiator instead of the current tiny one that's currently in there.
The washing ironing and cleaning have also been blitzed. I don't know how I found the energy to do it all, but I'm sure they haven't put something in the water. Speaking of the water, I had an argument with the water company of my bill on Monday. It turned out to be right (although in my opinion it might still be suspect), but I'm awaiting the full year statement in June before I'm completely happy.
Work has been really busy this week. I was looking forward to being back in the office as it should be entirely less stressful but...
... my boss is working in Holland this week, out tech support engineer is on the sick suffering with DVT and our trainee engineer is also on the sick after being assaulted at the weekend. I'm doing the work of 3 men (although it's technically 2 as I haven't had chance to do any of mine). It may all be worth it eventually when the overtime comes through, but at the moment it is a complete pain.
So I currently have no social life until this weekend. This is becoming a habit I'm definately going to have to break this year. Work took up too much of my time last year and I don't want to let it happen this year. Call this a late new years resolution if you will. I won't blame my lack of a love life on work though. I'm totally honest on it being failings at my end more than anything else.
I've basically lost contact with the person I meet before Xmas. I tried to get in touch a couple of times but she was too busy and also not feeling well. I felt really bad for ringing. In fact that's a problem I always have. I never like ringing people or starting online conversations in case people are busy and I'm disturbing them. Stupid I know, but there you go. I'm sure psychologists would have a field day with that one. Another look into the mind of Andy, be careful what you find there. ;-)
The aslt conversation I had I asked her to get in contact when she was feeling better and not busy, needless to say that was 3 weeks ago. Do I try again, or do I just leave her alone and move on, or does coutesy demand one more try. Gah!
I am glad that it's only the friverolous (sp?) things I have to worry about at the moment.
Friday, January 12, 2007
12 Of 12
I know this post is on the 13th, but the hotel internet wasn't playing ball and I had a promise to keep...
This really shoube be 12 of 12 x 1 as this is my first ever 12 of 12. Yes we virgins still exist! Anyway onto my day and for those of you who know what I do for a living, well these pictures have been selected to be appropriate to all who may be wandering the internet.
For those of you wanting to try it and follow our decent into madness you can particiapte by first reading Chad's Blog.

1. 06:45 approx.
This has been my home away from home for the week. A small room in a Travel Inn on the Outskirts of Eastbourne. Loving the lovely purple theme going on.

2. 07:00 approx.
To get to the restaurant for breakfast you actually have to leave the hotel and cross the carpark. I was always the first one into breakfast, hence the reason it was still dark. I was at work for 07:30 every morning.

3. 07:25 approx.
My trusty steed. This is a works van and is exactly like all other vans, slow and smells of cigerettes. It has a top speed of 70mph (80mph down hill) and the windscreen washer jets are on strike. I could actually walk to work from the hotel, but I couldn't carry all of my tools.

4. 10:00 approx.
My current place of work, Eastbourne Crematorium. That's another I can add to my list of "Crematoria of Europe" I have visited.

5. 13:00 approx.
Lunch time! I had a choice of Tesco and Sainsburys today. I'd frequented Tesco's for most of the week so I decieded for a change. Nuff said really.

6. 13:30 approx.
I call this the Architects nightmare. When designing a crematorium I always feel for an architect. No only do they have to restrain there creativity without being bland, they must ensure they have one of these. There are only so many ways you can hide a large chimney.

7. 15:00 approx.
This has been my other home away from home this week. I took this picture before I packed away my tools. And yes it's as cramped as it looks.

8. 16:30 approx.
After all my hard work this week, this is all I have to show for it! I sliced the back of my hand open with a screwdriver. What's the point of a scar where nobody can really see it?

9. 18:00 approx.
This is the view out of the back of the crematorium and was a chance to test the ability of my camera at night. You can just make out a church in the background, but you can't see the graveyard in the foreground. When working late I sometimes have to walk through a graveyard.
This really shoube be 12 of 12 x 1 as this is my first ever 12 of 12. Yes we virgins still exist! Anyway onto my day and for those of you who know what I do for a living, well these pictures have been selected to be appropriate to all who may be wandering the internet.
For those of you wanting to try it and follow our decent into madness you can particiapte by first reading Chad's Blog.
1. 06:45 approx.
This has been my home away from home for the week. A small room in a Travel Inn on the Outskirts of Eastbourne. Loving the lovely purple theme going on.
2. 07:00 approx.
To get to the restaurant for breakfast you actually have to leave the hotel and cross the carpark. I was always the first one into breakfast, hence the reason it was still dark. I was at work for 07:30 every morning.
3. 07:25 approx.
My trusty steed. This is a works van and is exactly like all other vans, slow and smells of cigerettes. It has a top speed of 70mph (80mph down hill) and the windscreen washer jets are on strike. I could actually walk to work from the hotel, but I couldn't carry all of my tools.
4. 10:00 approx.
My current place of work, Eastbourne Crematorium. That's another I can add to my list of "Crematoria of Europe" I have visited.
5. 13:00 approx.
Lunch time! I had a choice of Tesco and Sainsburys today. I'd frequented Tesco's for most of the week so I decieded for a change. Nuff said really.
6. 13:30 approx.
I call this the Architects nightmare. When designing a crematorium I always feel for an architect. No only do they have to restrain there creativity without being bland, they must ensure they have one of these. There are only so many ways you can hide a large chimney.
7. 15:00 approx.
This has been my other home away from home this week. I took this picture before I packed away my tools. And yes it's as cramped as it looks.
8. 16:30 approx.
After all my hard work this week, this is all I have to show for it! I sliced the back of my hand open with a screwdriver. What's the point of a scar where nobody can really see it?
9. 18:00 approx.
This is the view out of the back of the crematorium and was a chance to test the ability of my camera at night. You can just make out a church in the background, but you can't see the graveyard in the foreground. When working late I sometimes have to walk through a graveyard.
10. 18:30 approx.
In Memory. This is a sight that always greets me when I drove out of the crematorium on an evening.

11. 19:15 approx.
I went out for a walk on the seafront. Yes, I was out in the gales I must be mad! This is my attempt to photograph the pier, which was all nicely lit up. I won't give up my day job I think.

In Memory. This is a sight that always greets me when I drove out of the crematorium on an evening.
11. 19:15 approx.
I went out for a walk on the seafront. Yes, I was out in the gales I must be mad! This is my attempt to photograph the pier, which was all nicely lit up. I won't give up my day job I think.
12. 20:00 approx.
Back in the hotel and I thought I'd pay tribute to those things that have kept me sane over the week. I'm gad I don't work away from home all the time as it can get very lonely.
There we have it my first (slightly late) 12 of 12. Only 11 more to go for the year. Wish me luck!
Back in the hotel and I thought I'd pay tribute to those things that have kept me sane over the week. I'm gad I don't work away from home all the time as it can get very lonely.
There we have it my first (slightly late) 12 of 12. Only 11 more to go for the year. Wish me luck!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Colour me Fushed!
Well, er...
...not quite. Before I get into the latest installment of the soap opera of my life I'd just like to wish everyone the best for 2007. May all your dreams come true, except one.
This year I decided it would be the year I re-decorate the bathroom. If there is one room in the house that really needs it, it's the bathroom. The house obviously decided this as well and decided to give me a little push in that direction. My toilet has devolped a small leak and I got back to find my carpet was sodden with water. This has obviously been going for longer than I thought as the carpet was funny colour on the underside when I pulled it up to inspect the floor.
So I spent yesterday evening drying and cleaning the bathroom and I'm currently staying at my parents until I get it fixed this weeked (i'm then going to proceed to rip out the carpet). And just like the six million dollar man I'm sure it can be rebuilt. The plan is to install new taps on the bath, tile the floor (waterproof) and tile the rest of the wall that currently isn't tiled. If i'm feeling really handy, I might just straighten out the bathroom cabinet which surprisingly hasn't fallen off the wall since I put it up 18 months ago. But is still as crooked as ever.
However work is trying it's best to get in the way of my plans. After my glamourous trip to Strasbourg before Christmas, I have an even more glamourous one lined up. Next week I'm working in the elephant graveyard known as Eastbourne. I'm testing a machine that was damaged by fire just before christmas. And before anybody asks I don't think it was due to overuse either.
I've decided to travel Sunday to give me more working time and to catch the M25 on a 'good' day. Which is why I need to get things fixed on Saturday. I may also get back at a reasonable time on the Friday as well, although pigs may of course be soon landing at Heathrow! Apparently we work £4200 a year of unpaid overtime and I can quite well believe it.
I know what my overtime is going to pay for! ;-)
Happy New Year Folks.
...not quite. Before I get into the latest installment of the soap opera of my life I'd just like to wish everyone the best for 2007. May all your dreams come true, except one.
This year I decided it would be the year I re-decorate the bathroom. If there is one room in the house that really needs it, it's the bathroom. The house obviously decided this as well and decided to give me a little push in that direction. My toilet has devolped a small leak and I got back to find my carpet was sodden with water. This has obviously been going for longer than I thought as the carpet was funny colour on the underside when I pulled it up to inspect the floor.
So I spent yesterday evening drying and cleaning the bathroom and I'm currently staying at my parents until I get it fixed this weeked (i'm then going to proceed to rip out the carpet). And just like the six million dollar man I'm sure it can be rebuilt. The plan is to install new taps on the bath, tile the floor (waterproof) and tile the rest of the wall that currently isn't tiled. If i'm feeling really handy, I might just straighten out the bathroom cabinet which surprisingly hasn't fallen off the wall since I put it up 18 months ago. But is still as crooked as ever.
However work is trying it's best to get in the way of my plans. After my glamourous trip to Strasbourg before Christmas, I have an even more glamourous one lined up. Next week I'm working in the elephant graveyard known as Eastbourne. I'm testing a machine that was damaged by fire just before christmas. And before anybody asks I don't think it was due to overuse either.
I've decided to travel Sunday to give me more working time and to catch the M25 on a 'good' day. Which is why I need to get things fixed on Saturday. I may also get back at a reasonable time on the Friday as well, although pigs may of course be soon landing at Heathrow! Apparently we work £4200 a year of unpaid overtime and I can quite well believe it.
I know what my overtime is going to pay for! ;-)
Happy New Year Folks.
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