Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Surrender!

I haven't started yet, but already I've given up. Yep, I speak of that soul destroying phenomanon known as NaNoWriMo. Although the "Times Crossword" does come a close second. With my current schedule for November reading something like this:-
  • Tuesday + Friday nights: - Air Cadets
  • Thursday nights: - T'ai Chi
  • 1st weekend: - Manchester
  • 2nd weekend:- free + packing for...
  • 10 days in France with work coming back for...
  • final weekend: London (for 2 Xmas get togethers).

So with my boss due to start Paternity Leave, anytime now, there is no possibility of taking some time off this month either (and god knows I could do with it). This basically leaves me with 5 evenings and 1 weekend to call my own. I'll probably get some free time while over in France, but that I'm counting as a bonus. I'm actually going to a town in the Alps on the Swiss/France border area. It's called Chambery and is approximately 60 miles west of Lyon.

However all is not lost. I'm planning to do something I'm calling Nano-lite. It's like Pepsi Max, but without the crummy adverts and checmical additives. It's not going to be 50,000 words, but I'm sure I can do something smaller in the free time that I can spare it.

So that's what the rest of my evening will be taken up with mostly...

... in other news going back to that essay of a post a made a month ago, I recieved information from"The Agency" about a possible introduction this week. I can't give any details at the moment (confidentially and all that" but I rang the other person this evening, but only got the voicemail service. On which I left the most god-awful message.

I'll tell you now ringing-up a complete stranger (whose existence is only known from a sheet of paper) is one of the most nerve racking things I've ever done.

Thought for the day: Everything in moderation, including moderation.


Simon said...

I'm the same. The joy I got from NaNo was not in the completion of the 50,000 words anyway, but in cheering others along into doing the same.

Good luck all the same and see you this weekend!

Meghan said...

I'm ALL about NaNo lite. Which is why I'm doing NaBloPoMo.

I'm lame, I know... but I have that whole "baby" excuse.

Oh, and I wish there were 50 hours in a day, as well as 60 days in a month.

CosmicAvatar said...

Aww, I'm sorry you've given up, but so long as you're happy, that's the important thing!