Thursday, November 02, 2006

Forget the Taffic Camera...

... an immovible object is the best thing to get idiots off the road anytime!

Yes I know I probably complain about driving at least once a month, but with this video I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. These are CCTV footage taken from Manchester City centre where automatic bollards have been installed to allow certain vehicles to cut the corner on the one-way system. This means buses, certain delivery vehicles etc...

... freezing out the common Manchester motorist who now has to take the long way round. Either to manage traffic or just to make the city centre a safer (read: awkward) place.

Speaking of traffic management they've installed new Traffic lights on a roundabout on my way home from work. Specifically to improve traffic flow for all of the different roads that connect to the roundabout. All I can say is well done [/sarcasm]. Instead of just one queue of traffic waiting to get across the roundabout there's now two . The lights have the worst timings ever and they are actually set quite away back from the entrance to the roundabout. In summary my journey home now takes an extra 10-15minutes longer.

In other news I talked to my first introduction from "The Agency" today. Unfotunately she's on nights next week and I'm away in France the week after so we're going to get back in touch as soon as I get back. I might be less nervous the 2nd time.

Maybe. ;-)


Eileen said...

I can't believe the idiocy of those drivers! That second car had kids in it!

Good luck with meet up!

Anonymous said...

The MEN is absolutely full of people ranting about those things at the moment; and other people ranting back at them. It got a bit heated when a car with a disabled badge got spiked...

- K.

CosmicAvatar said...

I am simultaneously amused by the way these idiot drivers are being rewarded, and horrified that innocents in the back could get hurt. Those bollards don't take any prisoners, do they?

Fingers crossed for the introduction thingy!

Jess said...

Hahahahaha! That video is great!