Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Trying Hard to Keep it Up...

... my internet connection that is!

What I forgot to mention in my last entry is that on friday evening we took the cadets to York Maze. Cut from fields of Maize (definate pun intended there) it is the size of 15 football pitches. Every year it is cut into a different design and this year it had a Star Trek theme (it being the 40th anniversery and all). It's actually really good and there's an arial shot if you follow the earlier link.

The reason we went last week was because they have started there Halloween activites. Yes I know it's early but the rest of the Maze (Maize) get's harvested before Halloween and they have to do it sometime before then. As you would expect they have people positioned round the maze in halloween costumes and it is open until 11pm in the evening. The best bit were the blokes in hockey masks running around with real chainsaws. You could hear them (and the screams) from the other side of the Maze.

I love scaring cadets. It's one of life's little pleasures.

Speaking of scary things, today I was sat in my office which faces the main road when suddenly there was this loud bang from outside. I peered through the blinds to find a lorry parked by the side of the road and a mangled lump of metal on the pavement slightly behind it. It transpires that the twisted lump used to be a bus shelter. The lorry was transporting it (it didn't look very secure) and then it suddenly fell off the back (I don't know why). The driver was very lucky, I suspect that if there had been anybody on the pavement at that time they'd be dead (or at least seriously injured).

I've also never actually heard of a bus shelter being vandalsied before it was even installed!

I went cycling this evening for the first time in ages. I didn't go too far (just up and down the hill a couple of time). I would probaby have gone further if it wasn't for that seat. When I called it a device of KGB torture last week I was doing it a definate injustice. Although it's not so bad as finishing Alias season 2 which I did on Monday Night. That ends on an even bigger cliffhanger than the first season. What's worse is that you in way can see it coming, just because it seems to have nothing in common with what's gone before. This was a series made for DVD as each season puts a gun to your head and forces you to buy the next one. I need to see S3 just to find out what's going (gone) on!!!

Finally I came across this statistic in the paper on Monday.

"HALF of all wives fantasise about sex with other men within two years of getting married but only three in 10 act on them, a poll of 6,300 20 to 38-year-old women showed."

Only 3 in 10. I know it's not a large survey but that's 30%. Definatley an example of when wording is key!

Just the one so far, caught it right above my bed on the ceiling last night. Fast little bugger as well. Maybe he was waiting for me to go to sleep before pouncing...

Profound Lyric of the Day:
It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her,
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.

Not Ready to Make Nice ~ Dixie Chicks

For the unintiated:-

More Dixie Chicks lyrics and videoclips on Lyricspy


CosmicAvatar said...

Hee - I love the maze!

Dogeared said...

Sounds a cool night out with the cadets!

And I have season 3 of Alias... another visit looms? Not sure when, I seem to be doing a lot of trips to various places this year! I am going up north in November, but to Barnsley. I started you on season 1, which you finished, and I started you on season 2, which you've now finished... pattern emerging?

Season 5 inabout 6 weeks, on DVD! [w00t]

Simon said...

Gangway, mathematician coming!

Is that three in ten of the half, or three in ten overall? The first means 15% of wives, the last means 30%.

Still, 15%! That's around one in seven. Yikes.

Replace that seat, son!