Sunday, September 03, 2006

Nothing to see here, move along!

It's been a rather quiet weekend (for once). Unfortunately we had lots of rain yesterday which meant the cadets couldn't actually go gliding. Which was a shame it was nice weather when we drove to the airfield. Unfortunately just before the first cadets went up the heavens opened. We stayed around for a couple of hours to see if the weather would break, but by lunchtime it had just gotten worse. The day wasn't a total loss for the Cadets. They each got to beat me senseless at Tony Hawk for the PS one (a skateboarding game).

Which was nice. The only other bits of news are rather short.

1. I now own a bike. It used to be my dad's but he hasn't used it in a while so I bought it off him. It needs a bit of work, but nothing tot serious. I managed to fix most of it this morning, it only requires a new innertube at the front. I can now explore the area better than I can on foot and maybe see what lies beyond those parts of the village that are too far to walk on an evening and are inaccessible by car.

2. I finally got it. That f*$king huge spider that's been running around my living room I finally managed to catch it just now. I'm sorry, but it didn't survive the encounter. My nerves are not strong enough where spiders are concerned (especially when they are that big).

They are my krypronite!


Dogeared said...

I want a bike - I just don't have anywhere to store it!

Enjoy the bike :D

Simon said...

Now I know your weakness, I can defeat you!

Good on you for the bike. I have a spare inner tube lurking, if you want it.