It is now raining...Whoot...at last maybe this place will start to cool down. Maybe my grass will go from yellow, back to something resembling a sort of green colour. Maybe I'll get home to actually find I've got a moat. Wouldn't that be something? Mind you, if I've got a moat I'd have to go the whole hog and build a drawbridge and a portcullss to replace my garden gate.
But I ramble, mainly as I have nothing to post that hasn't already been highlighted elsewhere. I was on a big tidying kick yesterday and I'm still in tidy mode, so it behoves me to clutter the net even further. At the moment the net probably resembles a stack of magazines in somebodies garage. In amongst them is probably the one bit of info you'd actually want, but you can't bring yourself to throw any of them out. Mainly due to the fact that it's a long boring job actually sorting through them. Maybe the net could do with some webpage recycling centre.
So in celebration of the clutter of the net let us look at the most cluttered of places that have kept me amused over the course of the year so far, Google Video:
We have the end of the world!
The obligatory cute things!
The Comedy Fan-made Sci-fi trailer.
Something to spice up office life.
People with too much time on there hands.
We now return you to our regular programming!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
That title is so apt in so many ways. Firstly, the weather. And yes, I'm going to moan about this as well. It's just too damned hot. With my boss on holiday this week I have both office fans pointed in my direction and both windows open and I'm still roasting away. It probably does't help that I have a small electrical panel sat next to me for testing. That's like a small radiator in itself (although unsuprisingly it doesn't help in winter). What's worse is I get home knackered and find it hard to sleep because of the heat. I'm not asking for it to be cold. Just a drop of 5 deg C would be sufficient for me.
Secondly I dodged a bullet today. I finially managed to talk a swedish operator how to set up his PC. This has taken me 2 weeks and has caused me no end of grief. Mainly becasue I set the Pc's up for him before they were sent and 3 days after I get a phonecall with the immortal words "They don't work". Now I come to think of it, that another one that I should have added to the list of things were broken. If I didn't get it fixed today, I'd of had to fly out to Sweden next week for a couple of days. Not the sort of thing I reallly wanted to do at the moment. That would have been a really manic trip!
As you've probably guessed I survived Sunday. I would definately add "what a scorcher" to that phew, when talking about Sunday. There were absolutely hundreds of people attending and it was our job to supply water to everbody while they were outside. We also had to run errands for people with problems. I had to walk halfway across the city to meet a taxi carrying an item from a hotel that one of the ladies had forgotten.
To give you an idea of numbers here is a picture of all of the Womens Royal British Legion banner bearers outside York minster.
Secondly I dodged a bullet today. I finially managed to talk a swedish operator how to set up his PC. This has taken me 2 weeks and has caused me no end of grief. Mainly becasue I set the Pc's up for him before they were sent and 3 days after I get a phonecall with the immortal words "They don't work". Now I come to think of it, that another one that I should have added to the list of things were broken. If I didn't get it fixed today, I'd of had to fly out to Sweden next week for a couple of days. Not the sort of thing I reallly wanted to do at the moment. That would have been a really manic trip!
As you've probably guessed I survived Sunday. I would definately add "what a scorcher" to that phew, when talking about Sunday. There were absolutely hundreds of people attending and it was our job to supply water to everbody while they were outside. We also had to run errands for people with problems. I had to walk halfway across the city to meet a taxi carrying an item from a hotel that one of the ladies had forgotten.
To give you an idea of numbers here is a picture of all of the Womens Royal British Legion banner bearers outside York minster.
And here is the cadet's contribution to the banners used on the parade:
From left to right:
Cpl Fensome, Cpl Triffit and Cdt McManus.
Fensome and Triffit are cadets from my squadron (2487 Easingwold) and McManus is from York squadron. Fensome and McManus are carrying there respective squadron banners. Cpl Triffit was selected to carry the banner of the War widows. Everbody enjoyed themselves and was thoroughly exhuasted by the end of the day.
Cynical Thought for the day:If ignorance is bliss. Why aren't more people happy?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Well you said to make the third breakage cheap! And who am I to ignore advice. Last night I broke the cheapest thing of all to break....
Don't worry it's not too bad, I'm just being melodramatic. I was playing Volleyball on the staff team against a team of cadets. Except that the cadets had a full team of 6 and the staff had a team of 3. So we were running around like our tails on fire trying to cover the entire court. In this weather we ended up looking like we'd gone for a swin in our clothes. Let's leave that picture there shal we! We eventually won, but at the cost of me!
As we had a lot of court to cover, the cadet tactic was obviously to hit it into the space. My tactic, run like a mad man and then dive to try and keep the ball up allowing my team to recover. Which is fine until I decided to land on my side. It now hurt like hell, nothing's really broken, just bruised. My left arm is also really stiff and it hurts to move anything on that side. I've been told it should get better by mid week. So in the meantime I'm sleeping on my rightside. ;-)
Thurday night was T'ai Chi and we were holding a demonstration to try and attract more people. All of the more senior students gave individual demonstrations ( alot of it was new to me as well) and all I can really say is wow. The most senior student went through about 30 different sword forms consecutively. The sword was a real one as well. It was a perfect example of why T'ai Chi is also sometimes called a form of dance.
And Sunday there is a ceremony at York minster to celebrate the 85th anniversery of the Womens section of the Royal British Legion. There's even royalty in attendence. More info here. The ATC have been asked to attend to help with proceedings, so I'm going along to help supervise. Unfortunately I need to be in best dress (shirt and tie + jacket) and I'll be outside most of the day!
I wish suits came with inbuit air conditioning. [/doh]
Don't worry it's not too bad, I'm just being melodramatic. I was playing Volleyball on the staff team against a team of cadets. Except that the cadets had a full team of 6 and the staff had a team of 3. So we were running around like our tails on fire trying to cover the entire court. In this weather we ended up looking like we'd gone for a swin in our clothes. Let's leave that picture there shal we! We eventually won, but at the cost of me!
As we had a lot of court to cover, the cadet tactic was obviously to hit it into the space. My tactic, run like a mad man and then dive to try and keep the ball up allowing my team to recover. Which is fine until I decided to land on my side. It now hurt like hell, nothing's really broken, just bruised. My left arm is also really stiff and it hurts to move anything on that side. I've been told it should get better by mid week. So in the meantime I'm sleeping on my rightside. ;-)
Thurday night was T'ai Chi and we were holding a demonstration to try and attract more people. All of the more senior students gave individual demonstrations ( alot of it was new to me as well) and all I can really say is wow. The most senior student went through about 30 different sword forms consecutively. The sword was a real one as well. It was a perfect example of why T'ai Chi is also sometimes called a form of dance.
And Sunday there is a ceremony at York minster to celebrate the 85th anniversery of the Womens section of the Royal British Legion. There's even royalty in attendence. More info here. The ATC have been asked to attend to help with proceedings, so I'm going along to help supervise. Unfortunately I need to be in best dress (shirt and tie + jacket) and I'll be outside most of the day!
I wish suits came with inbuit air conditioning. [/doh]
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Back Again, Finally
Big Apologies folks! I'm sorry I've not been about for awhile. This has been due to circumstances completely (well nearly completely beyond my control). My only source of the internet died last week. It was a rather painful death in I.T speak, starting with lots of crashes and delightful windows pop-up which askes you to send an Error report back to Microsoft. I saw that so many that if I actually decided to "Send" any they'd have probably recieved an essay.
The fault was eventually traced to faulty memory. Both sets of chips if you can believe it! I don't know what I did to upset them, but it couldn't be just one, not with my luck. But then it get's worse, I've had to reinstall Windows as well, because certain essential files have been corrupted and the bleedin thign would no longer boot. That coupled with having to re-install other bits and pieces has kept my laptop down for a number of days.
I've not been at work to get on the net either. I took the Friday/Monday off work so I could go visit friends in Cumbria, leaving the laptop on it's sickbed in the meantime. They actually live in Whitehaven as they both work at Sellafield. They actually got married a couple of years ago and the last time I saw them was at the wedding, so it was good to be able to catch up. Lots of our other friends from uni were also there so it was quite the gathering.
Somehow considering the location, there wasn't a drop of rain, or even a cloud in the sky. Plus being on the coast, there was a lovely sea-breeze which enabled us to stay outside most of the time without becoming a sweaty mess! Of course we also had the obligatory BBQ and stayed up until 2am playing poker. We didn't plan on the game taking that long, it just never seemed to finish. Luckily we had a large supply of chocolate muffins (and alcohol for those who were drinking).
Here is everybody posing for the obligatory "group" shot!

From Left to right:
Mark & Hannah (who were our hosts), Andy, Phil, John, Jen, Will
I finally got my laptop running on Tuesday night, so it's going to take me a while to catch up with everybodies blogs. So please be patient. However I now suspect my washing machine is broken (it takes 3-4hours per wash) and it's 2 months out of warrenty. I don't think I'm going to be able to fix that one myself unfortunately.
Friday, July 07, 2006
When Week's Go Bad!
Next on Fox after C.S.I Norfolk. In tonight's C.S.I. Grissom is called to a cock fight where one of the competitors has died in mysterious circumstances and is revealed to be a rooster!
I nearly broke one of my own rules about blogging last night. I've always said to myself I'd never blog when depressed. But last night i came in in such a state I was sorely tempted to share the mood. Luckily general apathy prevailed and you were spared the melodrama. After having slept on it I'm now in a much better mood.
Let's just say I haven't really had a good week. At one point I was working on top of the incinerator in the middle of the day and the temperature up there was 45 - 50 C. I was not a pretty sight after coming down from there. The job was also very problematic. I left site late on thursday had a horrendous journey back. Coming back to an empty house was basically the final straw.
Let's leave it there shall we...
So what about today. Well the day started brightly, I got a nice parcel containing a new mobile phone to replace my old one which is working when it feels like it. I also got a letter which succeeded in bringing me back down to earth. The envelope was stamped with the mark of the Cambridge NHS Primary CAre trust.
It seems that the doctor who I used to be registered with back in St. Neots has been sent to prison for false accounting of patient records. So I've got to make an appoitment to see a healthcare professional and my current doctor to go through my current records from that time and basically check there accuracy. The letter started "You may be aware..." and then went on to describe the situation. My first thought was "I damned well wasn't aware..." (the swearing was less casual than that!).
And of course there was a phone call from the incinerator I'd been to earlier in the week! Everything was working as it should, but they didn't seem to think so. I like the guy, but he so does my head in at times.
I think it'll be safer if i just stay indoors this weekend.
Thought for the week: Being British is living in a country where Pizza and Chinese food arrives quicker than an Ambulance.
I nearly broke one of my own rules about blogging last night. I've always said to myself I'd never blog when depressed. But last night i came in in such a state I was sorely tempted to share the mood. Luckily general apathy prevailed and you were spared the melodrama. After having slept on it I'm now in a much better mood.
Let's just say I haven't really had a good week. At one point I was working on top of the incinerator in the middle of the day and the temperature up there was 45 - 50 C. I was not a pretty sight after coming down from there. The job was also very problematic. I left site late on thursday had a horrendous journey back. Coming back to an empty house was basically the final straw.
Let's leave it there shall we...
So what about today. Well the day started brightly, I got a nice parcel containing a new mobile phone to replace my old one which is working when it feels like it. I also got a letter which succeeded in bringing me back down to earth. The envelope was stamped with the mark of the Cambridge NHS Primary CAre trust.
It seems that the doctor who I used to be registered with back in St. Neots has been sent to prison for false accounting of patient records. So I've got to make an appoitment to see a healthcare professional and my current doctor to go through my current records from that time and basically check there accuracy. The letter started "You may be aware..." and then went on to describe the situation. My first thought was "I damned well wasn't aware..." (the swearing was less casual than that!).
And of course there was a phone call from the incinerator I'd been to earlier in the week! Everything was working as it should, but they didn't seem to think so. I like the guy, but he so does my head in at times.
I think it'll be safer if i just stay indoors this weekend.
Thought for the week: Being British is living in a country where Pizza and Chinese food arrives quicker than an Ambulance.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Off on my Travels Again.
It's that time of year again. Work has run out of engineers again, so it me (as the next in line) to be out and about nex week. This time I'm going to that great UK urban centre - Ipswich. Yes until Thursday I'm going to be working in the "not so far" east next to a huge incinerator on one of the hottest weeks of the year.
Why can't we (humans) come with air conditioning. With all my safety kit on (boots and hard hat + flourescent Jacket) I think I'll emerge from the plant on Thurday one big sweaty mess (sorry for that picture).
Would you also believe how long it's taken me to write such a small post? We're currently in the middle of a thunderstorm and my interenet connection is currently the virtual Yo-Yo.
It's that time of year again. Work has run out of engineers again, so it me (as the next in line) to be out and about nex week. This time I'm going to that great UK urban centre - Ipswich. Yes until Thursday I'm going to be working in the "not so far" east next to a huge incinerator on one of the hottest weeks of the year.
Why can't we (humans) come with air conditioning. With all my safety kit on (boots and hard hat + flourescent Jacket) I think I'll emerge from the plant on Thurday one big sweaty mess (sorry for that picture).
Would you also believe how long it's taken me to write such a small post? We're currently in the middle of a thunderstorm and my interenet connection is currently the virtual Yo-Yo.
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