1. 07:10 Approx
My bathroom (after I've had a shower, there'll be no nakedness in these pictures). This will be the last time I can take this picture of my bathroom. Isn't it just lovely and white (and boring), great for showing up the dust and grime. Next week I start refitting various items to make it more interesting (and more useful).
2. 07:20 Approx
These are some of the currently selected parts that are going ot be used to refit the bathroom. Next week we will be replacing the standard radiator, with a proper towel warmer (to save space & have toasty hot towels) and fitting a new electric shower. The current shower uses hot water straight from the boiler (which is fickel in it's operation). The taps on the bath don't work so we're replacing them (and the basin taps to match). Eventually we'll be redoing the tiling and the floor as well.
Oh and the picture on the otherside of the box is a semi-clothed woman about to step into the shower. So the box is the other way round (I meant what I said earlier!)
3. 07:25 Approx
Ouch! I just tripped over this on my kitchen floor. Why do I have a TV in the middle of my kitchen floor you ask? Well, this particular TV broke the other week. The picture became curved as if you were watching everything in a carnival mirror (straight lines were curved). This annoyed me so much that I bought I new TV. While fitting the new one myself and a friend moved the TV into the kitchen temporarily. Unfortunately they left before I could get there help to move it somewhere more suitable (it's darn heavy). So this morning it took it's revenge for being replaced.
4. 10:00 Approx
My life on a PC screen. Since getting a new PC at work (plus an up to date copy of MS Office) I've started using Outlook to organise my life. All those colours represent different aspects of my life. The gold coloured one in the middle of my screen reminds me it's 12 0f 12 time. Unfortunately I can't take my PC home with me so I was stuffed for organising stuff outside of work. Until, thanks to the miracle fo Ebay I aquired the PDA you see next to it.
5. 12:00 Approx
Just a little light reading here. Although I'm not part of process design in the company it doesn't hurt to know the detail as to how things work. I've had these books since uni (approx 5 years ago) and I still don't understand them half of what's in them.
6. 16:00 Approx
After the various pictures of cremators I thought I would introduce you to another piece of "equipment". This is called a Cremulator (pron. crem-you-lay-tor not cream-you-lay-ta) as one of our american sales guys is fond of calling it. After you have been cremated you don't come out of the Cremator in that fine dust that you see in urns or in scatterings. Instead you come out in big lumps. A cremulator is used to grind those lumps up into the small white dust. The cabinet on the right is an "Ash Transfer Cabinet" where the ash from the cremulator is poured into an urn or other container.
7. 17:10 Approx
So what lurks in the boot of my car. Well, it's not that big (snigger) so not a lot. The box on the right is my toolbox (I'll refrain from any more euphormisms), which lurks in my boot as it gets used at work and at home. Also visable is a small carton of engine oil (just in case) and a warning triangle. Out of shot is a GB sticker and headlamp deflectors which I need to put on the car for driving in Europe. The box contains my golf shoes (yes I try ot play golf), my clubs are actually at my parents house as I'm due to play them sometime in the near future. What's not in my boot is a bag that contains a sleeping bag and an air bed (+ pump) just in case of accomodation emergencies.
8. 18:25 Approx
This is me just before I head off to my evening T'ai Chi class. I usually get changed in the office as there isn't really anywhere to get changed once I get to the class. We wear different coloured T-shirts depending on the aspect of training we are doing. What you can't see are the baggy black pants. The camera is propped up on a filing cabinet and wasn't pointed quite where I thought was!
9. 18:55 Approx
This is Meanwood Church Hall. This is where the Thurday night T'ai Chi class is held, not much else to say really, except it was a bugger to find when I first joined.
10. 20:20 Approx
This is a picture or a class in full swing (literally). Notice that we have changed from the blue to the yellow tops. This is because we are practicing the Yang arts, rather than the Ying Arts. On the far left is our senior instructor (and highest ranking practisioner outside of China) whose title is Lobar (lit. "Old man"). On the right is our class instructor (and Lobar's student) John. They are currently demonstrating the principle "The longest will become the shortest and the shortest will become the longest". This demonstated by John (with the long stick) failing in his attempts to touch Lobar, and yet Lobar can tap him everytime with the much shorter stick.
The website for the arts can be found here for those who are interested.
11. 21:45 Approx
The obligatory night time shot. How many people going shopping at the supermarket at this time of night? More than I expected by the looks of this picture. Mind you who am I too talk, I'm just popping in to get some Banana's as I ate the last one this morning.
12. 22:25 Approx
Ah back home to, to my latest gadget and the reason that TV in the middle of my kitchen floor decided to take it's revenge. This is my new TV (obviously) and it's nice and shiny and new (duh)! It seems much better than the old one (straight lines are actually straight) and the only really problem I have with it at the moment is the lack of power button. You can also just see my favourite gadget my Nintendo Wii, it's just so much fun, especially the sports games.
Now I must confess that I have a template which I copy/paste to help me make these 12 of 12 posts. This section I have actually called "Postamble" I mean the bit at the beginning is "preamble" so why can't this be a post. Okay, so I haven't actually called the bit in the middle "amble" maybe if I did I could get away with it. Also, if you can pre-empt, does that mean you can post-empt? I'd like to see Doc Brown from Back to the Future explain that one.
If you have read all fo this and have no idea why I did this, then pop over here and read Chad's blog.
Nice! Love them! "And we say trunk. In the states? We say trunk." (Sorry...couldn't resist a quote from The Vertical Hour there.) :P
I miss Outlook! I'm sure I've said this before, but I really do! I actually got a pang of jelousy when I saw your calendar. Lotus Notes sucks.
I shouldn't have read this at lunchtime at work - now as I eat my tuna roll, I'm thinking about lumps of people, being made into dust!
Helen at work.
Oh - and I need to do a template, what a good idea! Every month, I fight with Blogger to post my entry!
Helen still at work.
Your job never fails to fascinate me.
As usual... very cool shots. If you've not had a PDA before I assure you that you will love it... I'd be lost without my Treo. Hopefully we'll get to see the results of your DIY work in the bathroom next month! Oh, and VERY nice new TV! I'm very jealous!
Thanks for saving us from the nakedness Andy :) Props on the new TV too, its very shiny!
Next time we're around, we'll move it somewhere out the way. [up]
Nice photos! Can't wait for next month. :>
Big lumps ground up into dust...ahhhhhh.....that one'll just stay with me for all time....
Your t'ai chi classes look very cool! I never had sticks in my t'ai chi class.
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