Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My To-Ignore List

I just love bank holiday weekends. They're the sort of weekends for making a list of things to do...

... and then ignoring it! So I've got to work through the list and blitz the house next weekend, I don't care. I was perfectly satisfied watching many, many episodes of House S2 with Simon, Dave and Amanda. Oh and there was plenty of junk food and birthday cake as well. The diet starts again this week me thinks.

I know a short while ago I complained about the standard of driving, so I thought I would instead share a couple of things that have made me smile while I've been driving recently.
The first thing actually demonstrated to me not just how bad driving standards were, but also how some people never really listened in Maths lessons (I hope Simon is doing his best to rectify this). On the M60 (the motorway that circles Manchester) there is a set of roadworks that I have to drive though in order to reach Dave's. To protect the workers they have set up SPECS cameras to enforce the 40 mph speed limit.

For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about SPECS are "average" speed cameras. They don't check your speed as you pass, they actually work out your average speed between camera's to ensure you don't speed at all. There were signs all over stating that these were "Average" speed cameras. Yet I saw at least 2 people who ?I can only assume didn't know the meaning of the word. They sped past me at over 60 mph, slowed down when they saw a camera and then immediately sped up again as soon as they were past it.

If they had just paid more attention in maths they probably wouldn't have a nice brown envelope from Manchester Police landing on there doorstep about now.

The second made me chuckle, although I must admit I shouldn't really laugh at other peoples mis-fortune. As I left work on Tuesday evening I past 2 vehicles parked up on the hard shoulder. One was an armoured bank vehicle the other was a Renault Clio. I'm sorry to say the first thing that went through my head is "Oh my god somebodies tried to ram raid an armoured truck with a clio". Which is the same as trying to open a can of soup with a pencil sharpner.

For some reason I can't upload pictures at the moment otherwise I had some nice examples already lined up.

Anyway I'm now off to contemplate what to do on my list first this weekend...

... oh wait I'm going flyng with Cadets on Saturday and I've just got Alias season 2 through the post today (which is just one big cliffhanger). Maybe I better not make that to do list too big.


Simon said...

I will do my level best to ensure that people know what "average" means. Sir!


CosmicAvatar said...

I had no idea such cameras existed, but I have always been open about my shameless lack of Maths skills. [wink] Good thing I don't speed between cameras, eh?

Dogeared said...

Yep, I know more than I need to about "average" speed cameras! I sat through a presentation by a company called Speedcheck, on them!

The idea is that they actually improve traffic flow through an area with roadworks. If everyone travels at the set average speed, the traffic flows smoothly and consistently. They map the speed between two points.

If people drive at their normal speed, then slow down, you get jerky (as in mini bottlenecks) traffic.

On Haldon Hill, we have these fancy VMS (variable messaging signs [geek]), which flash "Slow down" at you if they sense you're approaching them too fast. As soon as you slow down to the speed limit, they flash off. Fancy.