But somehow I've avoided any pictures of me asleep and it being Sunday also means that you've avoided the pictures from work this month. So let's delve into yet another 12 of 12.
Warning: This 12 of 12 contains lots of pictures of food. Anybody on a diet should stop reading now. You have been warned.
What's wrong with this picture? My watch is missing! I put it down somewhere and now I can't seem to find it. I can't tell you how naked I feel without it.
This is my Dad. I'm visiting my parents today as my Grandparents are also paying them a visit. As always happens on these occasions they always put on a large Sunday Lunch, I can't wait.
Traditional Sunday Lunch in all it's glory. My parents always go overboard with the food, but no matter how much we tell them, they never seem to get the quantaties quite right. Thankfully there is always too much rather than too little. Here we have Chicken, Carrots, Swede, Sweetcorn, Brocolli, Sausage meat stuffing, Roast Potato's and Roast Parsnips. Good job I'm not planning anythign remotely active this afternoon.
Sunday Lunch wasn't all good. I did this little beauty picking up on of the hot pans with a teatowel and not covering my hand properly. Ouch!
Another tradition on a Sunday Afternoon, watching the football. Both me and my Dad are big football fans and there's nothign we like better than relaxing on an afternoon witht eh football on the TV. Well except for maybe a round of golf.
More food! You'd think after such I big lunch I'd still be full, but no! I always make room for desert. In this case it is a triple chocolate muffin covered in cream. Very sickly, but very very nice. It didn't stand a chance.
Even more food! Well I couldn't really take a picture of me asleep on the couch, so the next picture has to be of my tea. In this case it's a sausage sandwich. I promise this is the last photo to contain food. I also apologies if this 12 of 12 is making you hungry.
Found it! I'd actually left it at home, no wonder I couldn't find it at my parents house. I must of taken it off while having a wash and forgotten to put it back on again.
Do you remember the jungle from a previous 12 of 12? Well here it is after I attacked it with the Lawnmower yesterday. I did actually have a lawn in my backgarden, who new? I also found a Strawberry plant I didn't realise I had either.
Here's my other chore for the weekend, polishing my shoes. These are my parade shoes for when I'm in Uniform with the ATC. As I'm an Adult Sergeant, one of my jobs is Dress and Discipline on the squadron. I can only make comments on cadets unifoms if mine is immaculate. So the top caps on the shoes have to shine like mirrors.
This is the book I intend to read after I've finished with this months 12 of 12. It's one of about 5 in my current "To read" pile. I did plan to watch a DVD, but...
... my DVD player has stopped working completely. It doesn't even power up anymore. So it has joined my TV in the pile of old electronic items that I intend to take to the recycling centre as soon as I can be bothered.
So here we go. I managed a Sunday 12 of 12 without taking any pictures of me asleep on the couch. Although there are more pictures of food than I would like. Still it asks for 12 pictures of my day and 12 pictures of my day it shall get.
If you have read all of this and have no idea why I did this, then pop over here and read Chad's blog.
Mmmm, chocolate muffin and cream... I took in some doughnuts and cookies and pie for my "leaving" - I did it early as I though one of the main guys I work with was only in last Monday. The guys wondered why I'd not brought in whipped/clotted cream for the apple pie! So into my drawer the pie went, to be accompanied the next day by spray whipped cream.
I'm not a huge pie fan, but this Tesco's apple pie (frm the bakery, not frozen, about 90p) was soft and moist in the middle and went lovely with the whipped cream! I meant to get some for me one night this week, but never did. Now I think I'll have to, seeing your post!
Mmmm, food.
That muffin looks so delicious....(it actually made me hungry !!!!)
Anyway...i had a good laugh with your backyard picture !!!
Great shots!! :) I love the food ~ it looks YUMMY!!!
I am so hungry right now.
What is it with DVD players that only last a year or so??? I guess it's so we buy the latest model. Damn them!!
I may very well go and spoil my diet thanks to you!
Though you did post a warning. And lucky for me there is nothing in my kitchen even remotely as yummy looking as the chocolate muffin.
Great pics! I'm now starving.
Thanks for doing it again.
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