Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Car-tastrophies and Confessions

You'd of thought that I'd of had enough of catastophies this year, what with all the plumbing disasters and what not. But no, more were going to be piled my way.

This time rather than one centered on the house, instead this time it's the car! I was driving to my parents house on Tuesday night when I began to notice that there seemed to be a lack of power fmro the engine. This sort of thing is really noticable in my car as it doesn't have a lot to begin with. So when you lose some, you begin to think somebody has nicked your engine and replaced it with a sewing machine!

Anyway, as I got closer to york, a light began to flash on the dashboard. Not a red one, but a Yellow one. Looking in the owners manual when I reached my destination revealed that this light stands for "Engine Malfunction" - I greeted this news with the obvious cry of "No duh" and then a long groan. The manual says it should be driveable as long as it flashes and doesn't stay on all the time. Guess what it did when I tried to leave my parents house.

Yep you guessed it. So I had to call out roadside assistance (free while the car is still under warranty). The guy came out and said he couldn't fix it by the side of the road, but it looked like only 3 of the 4 cylinders were actually working. So my car has been taken to a garage in York and I now have to wait for it ot be fixed. In the meantime I have a borrowed car, but it's a hassle I could do without at the moment.

Next weeks, week off from work can't come soon enough!

And now for a confession. Yup it's another song which I shouldn't like but do. I personally blame Radio 2, but there you go.


CosmicAvatar said...

Ohh, thank crikey the car's still under warranty, but what a pain in the arse. Stoopid car!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.