Monday, June 18, 2007

The Mobile Strikes Back


I keep getting phone calls from numbers I don't recognise. You expect the odd wrong number now and again, but I never thought my number was so close to other peoples.

I think the worst one was when my phone went off at 2am. I didn't answer it, I just turned it off. You expect all sorts of drunken phonecalls at that time. The next morning when I looked at the number I was surprised to discover it was a landline, I thought it'd be a mobile looking for a taxi or something.

Just out of curiosity I put the number into google. I thought if anything could help me, it would be a search engine that picks up the most diverse things. Apparently the number belongs to a company on an industrial estate in Elgin, Scotland. Somehow I doubt they were working at 2am on a Saturday Morning.

I missed another one from a mobile number I didn't recognise at Lunchtime today. Somewhere along the way my number seems to have got really popular. I don't think I should be getting a warm glow from all of this, but I do like receiving lots of calls...

... just not at 2am. ;-)


Bally4283 said...

I've been getting the odd call ever since I left my number in the Lloyd's pub in London in November.

CosmicAvatar said...

2am? Bastards.