Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Love What You do!

Hi folks!

Sorry it's been longer than usual it's been a rather hectic 12 days or so. I won't bore you with tales from work last week! Trust me, they're not as fun as tales from this week! But I'll instead start with the weekend.

This weekend saw my visit Guy and Charly and to wish Guy a Happy Birthday. Unfortunately it rained just about all weekend, but somehow guy managed to find the only dry hour in which to fire up his BBQ. That's what I call faith. Guy and Charly are always brilliant hosts, and I always enjoy going round to visit. Both Charly and Del had their bumps and with all the children running around, it was very hard not to get broody. If such a thing is possible for blokes.

Okay, I'll admit here and now that I voted fot Lithuania in Eurovision. But that's only because Del made me ;-). I'm glad Finland won, that's who i would of voted for if i wasn't already casting Del's vote for her!

Monday found me at the Manchester Academy with Simon and Dave to see The Divine Comedy. This was the first time I have seen them live in concert. To coin a phrase "They were Ace". I just love live music and for bands like the Divine Comedy they put so much energy into there concerts, that you can't help but like them. On the strength of the new stuff I'll definately be buying the new Album.

Tuesday, I became a removal man for the day. We've been threatening to take over the office next to ours as we need more space for testing. So feeling far too energetic myself and my line manager launched into a big clear out of the office next door. It's previous occupant had retired 6 months ago and had been with the company 40 years! He was also a big hoarder off paperwork and tools and equipment. We through out over 15 bin bags worth of stuff went through hundreds of files in an effort to clear this place out. We also threw out the desk and a few filing cabinets as well.

To prove how much of a hoarder he was we actually found his porn mag collection from 1972 in the bottom of one of his filing cabinets. I don't know if he was still reading it up until he retired. I hope not.

I don't know what it is about my job, but I get some great stories out of it!

Thought for the day: If you don't know if you should do something, ask yourself the question. If you have an argument with yourself chances are it's not a good idea!


Dogeared said...

To prove how much of a hoarder he was we actually found his porn mag collection from 1972 in the bottom of one of his filing cabinets.

That's... worrying. Mind you, I suppose if he did keep using that one, it shows a kind of commitment to the girls in that particular issue.

Still ... an unusual story for the work Christmas party!

Simon said...

Both Charly and Del had their bumps and with all the children running around, it was very hard not to get broody. If such a thing is possible for blokes.
Such a thing is possible for blokes, trust me!

And, fifteen bin bags. Urgh.