Friday, March 10, 2006


Well, I'm back from France.

That really should be I survived my trip to France. I have yet to visit anywhere like France where to drive is to put your life in the hands of the mad! This trip was my first time driving on the continant. I'll tell you what it was almost bad enough to make me start drinking again (and blow the consequences).

When driving in France always remember 2 things:

(i) Indicators are there to help confuse your opponents.
(ii) The larger you are the greater your right of way...
(iii)... Except if you drive a Renault 5 or Peugeot 205, in which case you always have right of way.

As expected my command of the French Langauge was worse than last time. Why did they never teach French Cremation terms in beginners french i'll never know. The one word that has stood out this week though and that is "Secours". Translated as Help or HELP!!!!!!! It was the labelling on a button on the front of the machine i went to look at. An in case of emergency button as in if all else fails push me. I couldn't help but laugh when i saw it, if it had actually been red that would have completely killed me. What was scary though was this button was the only safety device on the entire machine. I'd imagine that if anything did go wrong the operator would be running in the other direction rather than press the button.

On a much sadder note, I arrived home on Thursday to discover that my Great Grandmother had passed away earlier in the week. She had been ill and in/out of hospital for a long time so we knew it was coming, but it still came as something of a surprise. Her funeral is on Tuesday and the entire family is going to be there. It's strange that I only ever see some of them at Funerals.

Thought For the Day: If you ever see a Renault 5 with a Frecnh numberplate, run!


Simon said...

Sorry about your great-grandmother, man.

You're right about French drivers, though! The whole system seems designed to confuse. My Dad could write an essay on the signs "Toutes Directions" and "Autres Directions".

At least you made it through. The medaille is in the post!

CosmicAvatar said...

I'm sorry about your great-grandmother.

Re: driving - sometimes it seems as though all continental drivers are crazy. Although the Italians are definitely the worst I've encountered so far. I've never seen so many scraped cars in one place!