I must give a thousand apologies for this. I believe this my first 12 of 12, not actually written on the 12th. Nothing wrong with that I know, but still I can't help thinking that I have failed in my mission somewhat. ;-) Still I must get over this months laziness and get on with the show.

03. 09:00
06. 15:45

01. 07:15
Breakfast. I don't think this will ever change. I've never been the sort of person who can face a day without it. I've grown rather partial to Museli and banana's so I don't think I'll be changing this anytime soon.
02. 08:15
I'm at work already. I left this leaflet by my phone as a reminder to me that I'm expecting a delivery today. It's be a private delivery firm thankfully, with all these postal strikes I'm not expecting the usual mail so any post is welcome (except maybe bills).
This is our testing area. We like to test each of our cremators as thoroughly as possibloe before they leave the factory. However there is one obvious way in which they cannot be tested in the factory. However we have in the past tested our machines by filling a wooden box with lard and water to simulate the consistancy of the human body.
04. 10:15
As part of the control system for each machine we use a flue gas analyser to test the oxygen and CO content of the gases leaving the cremator. We use these figures to control the cremation process and to try and keep it as environmentally friendly as possible.
05. 12:05
Although I'm expecting a parcel, I'm actually sending more than I recieve. These 2 parcels are both destined for our engineers in the field. I'm not very good at packing parcels as anyone who has recieved a birthday or xmas present can probably attest to. However there should be enough parcel tape on these to see them through there journey.
This is the cremator we saw earlier being loaded for it's journey to it's new home. They all travel by lorry as they weigh upwards of 20 tonnes. Those going to far off countries also travel by container ship. We've sent machines to as far as America, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.
07. 16:25
My delivery finally arrives. No very big I grant you, but it contains some very important items. These are my tickets to see the Miami Dolphins play the New York Giants at this months game at Wembley. Myself and 3 friends are going to the new Wembley for the first time.
08. 17:15
My gas boiler that supplies all of the heating and hot water for my house. The covers off so I can see if it is currently lit or not. Every year I've lived in this house the heating has failed every winter. So far so good, it's holding it's own this year.
09. 17:16
I have a bit of time before I have to go to Cadets, so I break out the book I'm currently reading. I've read this so many times I've lost count. But it's one of my favourites and I haven't given it, it's annual airing this year.
10. 19:25
It's a friday night and we would usually be playing sport at cadets. However it coming up to exam time for the cadets so tonight we're back at our HQ for lessons. The cadets all take part in subjects to do with aviation, the ATC and the RAF. Usually I teach subjects such as Principles of Flight and Air Navigation. However it's not my turn tonight so instead...
11. 19:30
... I find myself doing the paperwork instead. You would not believe how much paperworj there is to keep this organisation going. Risk assessments, forms for this, forms for that. If this organisation went paperless I think whole forests would breath a sigh of relief.
12. 20:45
Paperwork is finished for this evening so I go to watch one of the lessons. This is CWO Alsop (the highest ranked cadet on the squadron) giving a lesson on basic navigation. This is how to use a map and compass when hill walking. For some reason it also has a section on clouds.
Well that's it for another month. Hopefully there will be some extra special pictures for next month. But you'll have to wait until next month to find out what they may be. If you're wondering what possessed me to do this. Well it's all the idea of a man named Chad Darnell. Hop over to his blog to find the instructions on how to take part and find other blogs of a similar nature.
It's ok not to post on the 12...happy 1st not-on-the-12th-post ;-) !!
you had a busy day...
loved your pics :-D
Lard and water? Seriously?
And don't worry about being on the 13th. All the cool kids do it sometimes (erm - I often do!)
Lard and water - a lovely way to think of the composition of my body....
Hey, I've posted after the 12th, too, so join our club!
Clouds, eh? I have to admit that I've never seen them as important navigational tools before...
Still, nicely twelved, sir! Yes indeed.
Great pictures!
Thanks for your comment! Yeah...I was actually at a service at Coventry Cathedral on Rememberance Day one year. It's obviously stuck with me.
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