No really.
Just when you think you've got it all sussed. Something new comes along and waits for you to walk past before jumping out and shouting BOO!
I refer to the interenet phenomenon known only as Facebook. I'll admit here and know I've definately jumped on the bandwagon and followed onto the site. But what I failed to realise what I was letting myself in for. I like to think of myself as fairly clued up, however the purpose of these personal networking site has just passed me by.
My first impressions weren't very good to be totally honest. It just seemed like another place where you could gather with friends (like a forum or at stretch a blog). There also seemed to be a bit of Ego to it. Especially as it allows you to display "how many" friends you actually have. When I initially signed up it wasn't looking to promising.
Now it's taken a frightening new twist. I've gathered up those friends I've been able to find (and if I've missed you don't be offended my time here is limited) and the thing has exploded into life. Oh my good there is so much information going on and messages flying this way and that I have no idea where to start.
I mean blogging is fairly hit and miss for me. I'm very scared that facebook is just going to swallow me whole if I let it. I think all I need is time to get used to it, however I don't know if facebook is going to give me time.
What's also scary about the internet is that it never fails to amaze how stupid some people are. This video is one I'm going to put into my "Combustion Control" traing course, that I give now and again. Remember children Don't play with Fire!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Ultimate in Bad Taste.
I found this the other day and just had to share it. To me this is the ultimate in bad taste when it comes to Sitcoms. This was the only ever episode that was shown, but rumour has it there were actually eight episodes written/made. It's no wonder British Satellite Broadcasting went bust. My boss actually emailed this to one of his mates workplace in Germany before realising what he'd done.
So without further ado (warning may cause offence)...
Part 2
Quite aptly blogger is still half in German!
So without further ado (warning may cause offence)...
Part 2
Quite aptly blogger is still half in German!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Loves, Labours Lost
I suppose I haven't had a proper update in a while. Believe me I have my reasons, but I felt now the time was right for some retrospective.
When we last left our hero he had just met up with the Big Boss (also known as the Vice President) and although he had come away unscathed the feeling of dread he entered his lair with was still there when he left. And our hero's senses have never let him down yet.
The last month at work can only be described in one simple phrase "sheer hell". Everything that I complained to my boss about reared it's ugly head last month. Lack of communication, more work than I could handle and definately more pressure than I could handle. For at least 13 days of the last month I was the only real technical guy in the entire office. Meaning everything technical came my way.
I have probably left the office on time only once in the last month. So my (slim) social life has been virtually reduced to nothing. And the pressure, oh my god. I know we've all had days where we don't want to go into work, but I was actively dreading it on some days. This is the first time in my life I've really considered taking a "sickie" but my own sense of honesty stopped me in the end.
Also my new medication hasn't helped. I was warned that it might make me drowsy, but oh my god I didn't realise how drowsy it would make me. I have to take it only at night before I go to bed so as to limit its effects. However, there were quite a few days where I wold be falling asleep in the middle of the day. Be it at the lunch table, or even worse at my desk. Thankfully they have decreased my dosage which emans I'm less likely to sleep during the day, but I still have my moments. If I'm active, I'm okay, but if I stop and relax it tends to hit me.
Things have improved in the last week at work so I'm generally starting to get back into the swing of things. People have been returning and my workload has become more managable. I was even cheering up, up until last Thursday.
I got a letter, nothing wrong with that you might think. However this let informed me that the dating Agency I had joined had gone into administration. So after only 2 introductions and 9 months membership, that was it. That was all I was going to get for my money. Galling no?
It wasn't so much the money. That just made me angry. If I'm being honest I'd pinned not a small amount of hope on this company. If not for finding that "someone" but at least improving my local social life and now even that opportunity has been taken away. The final nail I suppose was the fact that it wasn't even through any fault of my own. If it was I probably could except it.
As it is I've had a weekend to absorp it all and I've come to terms with it (my god I make it sound like someone has died). Although I haven't yet decided what to do next.
Oh and why oh why is my blogger suddenly half in English and half in German. Is this some subliminal attempt to integrte me with the rest of Europe?
When we last left our hero he had just met up with the Big Boss (also known as the Vice President) and although he had come away unscathed the feeling of dread he entered his lair with was still there when he left. And our hero's senses have never let him down yet.
The last month at work can only be described in one simple phrase "sheer hell". Everything that I complained to my boss about reared it's ugly head last month. Lack of communication, more work than I could handle and definately more pressure than I could handle. For at least 13 days of the last month I was the only real technical guy in the entire office. Meaning everything technical came my way.
I have probably left the office on time only once in the last month. So my (slim) social life has been virtually reduced to nothing. And the pressure, oh my god. I know we've all had days where we don't want to go into work, but I was actively dreading it on some days. This is the first time in my life I've really considered taking a "sickie" but my own sense of honesty stopped me in the end.
Also my new medication hasn't helped. I was warned that it might make me drowsy, but oh my god I didn't realise how drowsy it would make me. I have to take it only at night before I go to bed so as to limit its effects. However, there were quite a few days where I wold be falling asleep in the middle of the day. Be it at the lunch table, or even worse at my desk. Thankfully they have decreased my dosage which emans I'm less likely to sleep during the day, but I still have my moments. If I'm active, I'm okay, but if I stop and relax it tends to hit me.
Things have improved in the last week at work so I'm generally starting to get back into the swing of things. People have been returning and my workload has become more managable. I was even cheering up, up until last Thursday.
I got a letter, nothing wrong with that you might think. However this let informed me that the dating Agency I had joined had gone into administration. So after only 2 introductions and 9 months membership, that was it. That was all I was going to get for my money. Galling no?
It wasn't so much the money. That just made me angry. If I'm being honest I'd pinned not a small amount of hope on this company. If not for finding that "someone" but at least improving my local social life and now even that opportunity has been taken away. The final nail I suppose was the fact that it wasn't even through any fault of my own. If it was I probably could except it.
As it is I've had a weekend to absorp it all and I've come to terms with it (my god I make it sound like someone has died). Although I haven't yet decided what to do next.
Oh and why oh why is my blogger suddenly half in English and half in German. Is this some subliminal attempt to integrte me with the rest of Europe?
Catching up With the Bandwagon.
Usually by the time I catch up with a wagon I get there to find...
... that everybody else has jumped ship. And today is no different, but hey why should that stop me having my own little bit of fun. Especially as I've got so many analogies in this post so far. So without further ado here we go.
Thanks first go to my friends Simon, Eileen, Dave, Amanda and anybody else who has taken part, but have yet to read.
1. Go to Career Cruising,
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results.
1. Crane Operator
2. Electrical Engineering Tech
3. Electronics Engineering Tech
4. Avionics Tech
5. Civil Engineer
6. Farm Equipment Mechanic
7. Race Car Mechanic
8. Industrial Engineering Tech
9. Heavy Equipment Mechanic
10. Commercial Diver
11. Mining Engineer
12. Cable Installer and Repairer
13. Physical Education Teacher
14. Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Tech
15. Optical / Ophthalmic Lab Technician
16. Industrial Engineer
17. Special Education Teacher
18. Motorcycle Mechanic
19. Pipefitter
20. Automobile Mechanic
With my sense of balance I do worry about being assigned "Crane Operator" especially if ti's one of those really tall cranes. Also P.E. Teacher seems to stiack out like a sore thumb in that list. Obviously it doesn't have "Cremation Engineering Technician" in that list, but I was surprised that the closest I got I was number 14.
I wonder what my old careers advisor would think if he knew what I was doing now?
... that everybody else has jumped ship. And today is no different, but hey why should that stop me having my own little bit of fun. Especially as I've got so many analogies in this post so far. So without further ado here we go.
Thanks first go to my friends Simon, Eileen, Dave, Amanda and anybody else who has taken part, but have yet to read.
1. Go to Career Cruising,
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results.
1. Crane Operator
2. Electrical Engineering Tech
3. Electronics Engineering Tech
4. Avionics Tech
5. Civil Engineer
6. Farm Equipment Mechanic
7. Race Car Mechanic
8. Industrial Engineering Tech
9. Heavy Equipment Mechanic
10. Commercial Diver
11. Mining Engineer
12. Cable Installer and Repairer
13. Physical Education Teacher
14. Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration Tech
15. Optical / Ophthalmic Lab Technician
16. Industrial Engineer
17. Special Education Teacher
18. Motorcycle Mechanic
19. Pipefitter
20. Automobile Mechanic
With my sense of balance I do worry about being assigned "Crane Operator" especially if ti's one of those really tall cranes. Also P.E. Teacher seems to stiack out like a sore thumb in that list. Obviously it doesn't have "Cremation Engineering Technician" in that list, but I was surprised that the closest I got I was number 14.
I wonder what my old careers advisor would think if he knew what I was doing now?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Twelve of Twelve
I'm attempting to write this twelve of twelve while watching the second half of the football. So my concentration is wandering all over the place. All I ask is that you make allowances for my usual bad spelling which may be even worse during this one.
So without further ado.

1. 07:10 Approx
I managed to catch the sunrising this morning. Well, rising over my neighbours houses anyway. I suspect I'd have to get up slightly earlier to catch the true "sunrise".
1. 07:10 Approx
I managed to catch the sunrising this morning. Well, rising over my neighbours houses anyway. I suspect I'd have to get up slightly earlier to catch the true "sunrise".

2. 07:35 Approx
This is the latest concoction from my doctor to help with my current "digestive" problems. It definately doesn't taste as nice as the alst stuff I was given to try. In fact it tastes down right horrible.
2. 07:35 Approx
This is the latest concoction from my doctor to help with my current "digestive" problems. It definately doesn't taste as nice as the alst stuff I was given to try. In fact it tastes down right horrible.

3. 07:50 Approx
Ah, BBC Radio 2. I always listen to Radio 2 when driving in my car. I find it much more interesting than Radio 1. People say it's a less fashionable radio station, but for me, I wouldn't sit in Rush hour traffic without Terry Wogan.
3. 07:50 Approx
Ah, BBC Radio 2. I always listen to Radio 2 when driving in my car. I find it much more interesting than Radio 1. People say it's a less fashionable radio station, but for me, I wouldn't sit in Rush hour traffic without Terry Wogan.

4. 08:35 Approx
This is a new oxygen/Carbon monoxide analyser that we are going to trial in the near future. It may look odd, buit that equipment is worth £12,000 and is vital to the efficient running of any cremator or incinerator.
4. 08:35 Approx
This is a new oxygen/Carbon monoxide analyser that we are going to trial in the near future. It may look odd, buit that equipment is worth £12,000 and is vital to the efficient running of any cremator or incinerator.

5. 10:00 Approx
When I walked into the second of my departmental offices this was the site that awaited me. A new shipment of PC's that I need to setup for various contracts. What makes it more interesting is that they are installed with the French version of Windows XP. I find XP is bad enough in English, let alone French.
5. 10:00 Approx
When I walked into the second of my departmental offices this was the site that awaited me. A new shipment of PC's that I need to setup for various contracts. What makes it more interesting is that they are installed with the French version of Windows XP. I find XP is bad enough in English, let alone French.

6. 16:00 Approx
On my daily wander around our factory I came across this little (?) beast. It's currently in the process of being coated in refactory to make it heat resistant. I left my camera case in there to give you some sense of scale. When complete it'll become part of a machine used to incinerate livestock (mainly horses).
6. 16:00 Approx
On my daily wander around our factory I came across this little (?) beast. It's currently in the process of being coated in refactory to make it heat resistant. I left my camera case in there to give you some sense of scale. When complete it'll become part of a machine used to incinerate livestock (mainly horses).

7. 16:55 Approx
This is the current state of the white board in our office. I use it to remind me of the important things that I mustn't forget. The larger the writing the more important. I had to delete the reminder about "World Domination" as it didn't coincide with company policy.
7. 16:55 Approx
This is the current state of the white board in our office. I use it to remind me of the important things that I mustn't forget. The larger the writing the more important. I had to delete the reminder about "World Domination" as it didn't coincide with company policy.

8. 17:25 Approx
The Sunday Times Crossword. I always enjoy trying to do the Sunday Times Crossword. Either with my friends Simon and Dave or as was the case this evening with my boss before we brave the traffic going home. Here is the fruit of our efforts for tonight.
8. 17:25 Approx
The Sunday Times Crossword. I always enjoy trying to do the Sunday Times Crossword. Either with my friends Simon and Dave or as was the case this evening with my boss before we brave the traffic going home. Here is the fruit of our efforts for tonight.
9. 18:40 Approx
Dinner. Living on my own I always find it difficult to cook. I either have to cook a big meal and freeze it or live on more convenience type foods. I also hate the way the portions you buy at the supermarket can't be geared to cooking for one. One meal I have found I am able to cook for one is this: Mushroom stir-fry with noodles and a Hoisin & Spring Onion Sauce. Yum.
9. 18:40 Approx
Dinner. Living on my own I always find it difficult to cook. I either have to cook a big meal and freeze it or live on more convenience type foods. I also hate the way the portions you buy at the supermarket can't be geared to cooking for one. One meal I have found I am able to cook for one is this: Mushroom stir-fry with noodles and a Hoisin & Spring Onion Sauce. Yum.

10. 19:10 Approx
The aftermath. I absolutely detest washing up. The nicer the meal, the more washing up there is to do. Suprisingly though, I refuse to buy a dishwasher.
10. 19:10 Approx
The aftermath. I absolutely detest washing up. The nicer the meal, the more washing up there is to do. Suprisingly though, I refuse to buy a dishwasher.

11. 20:01 Approx
Football! Need I say anymore, I'm a big football fan and I'll watch just about any match that's put in front of me. In this case this is an England international match of some importance, so I don't really have any excuse not to watch it.
11. 20:01 Approx
Football! Need I say anymore, I'm a big football fan and I'll watch just about any match that's put in front of me. In this case this is an England international match of some importance, so I don't really have any excuse not to watch it.
12. 20:50 Approx
I have over the last few weeks rediscovered my love of Teacakes. Especially for supper before I go to bed. These are the last of my teacakes and I toasted them up (becasue you can't eat them not toasted) during the half time of the football.
So that's it for another month. No more post-amble, there's football on.
So that's it for another month. No more post-amble, there's football on.
If you have read all fo this and have no idea why I did this, then pop over here
and read Chad's blog.
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