And yet all different at the same time.
That probably best describes my life over the past 17 months. 17 months!!!!!! My god has it really been that long. When I logged into my blog for the first time in a while, I saw that I last logged on in April, I didn't really see the 2008 part until I looked more closely. I beg your indulgence with this post as it meanders about covering the last year and a bit. However if you just want the Juicy news, then by all means skip to the last section. If you can wait, well by all means continue.
I must now hang my head in shame. *Hangs head*
Okay, okay, in my mind though I have an excuse. Although if she ever caught me calling her that she'll probably be very upset with me. And even I'm not stupid enough to make my girlfriend upset with me. I can do that easy enough with out adding to it lol.
So with a suitable drum roll and fanfare... here she is.
Her name is Helen and I must freely admit that she is a welcome distraction amongst other things. I love her dearly and I don't care who knows it. She has been part of my life since about April last year and before you ask, yes that is just a coincidence. We met using the wondrous technological marvel that is the Internet. Which is the way I've met all of the best people in my life, so it should come as no surprise.
She currently works in a nursery as a nursery nurse, but has ambitions to becomes a full-time hospital nurse or a mid-wife, she hasn't quite decided yet. However now that she has me to give her a good push in the right direction she has passed an "upskills" course and has been awarded a place at York College to start an introduction to nursing course.
I'm so proud, can't you tell lol.
So what have we been up to over the past 17 months? Here are some of the highlights:
The First Date
Well we had our first Date at Fountains Abbey in Ripon North Yorkshire. Neither of us fancied the traditional cinema / restaurant combo. We'd spent nearly 2 months talking on MSN most nights and actually felt like we knew each other quite well. So as both of us are outdoorsy types we settled on Fountains Abbey instead. After spending nearly the whole day at the Abbey we spent most of the evening talking back at my place. When she left saying she wanted to see me again the next day, I took this as a good sign ;-)
The Birthday Treat
Helen's birthday is mid-July so as a Surprise a took her to see Avenue Q in London. Helen absolutely adores musicals. She's just about seen all the popular ones and loves all the old Hollywood musicals as well as the more modern west end / Broadway ones. We went to see Avenue Q with Helen S and Simon. As we were down in London for the weekend we needed something to do on the Sunday. Coincidental, the motor show was on in London that weekend (hmmm coincidence). Anyway we went there and had an enjoyable day there, I even made a car convert of her lol. This was her favourite car of the show.

Our First Holiday
By October Helen had moved in with me (around September) officially. The only reason it wasn't official until then was that there was still more of her DVD's and clothes still at her mum's than at my house. We were both spending all our waking hours with each other. So in October we decided to take a last minute break to Centre Parcs. We decided to go to the one near Longleat Safari park, as we both wanted to visit the safari park.
It was fantastic we spent 2 full days at the Safari park and with CP just next door was easy to pop back to the accommodation. When we weren't in the Safari park we could be found in the swimming pool. And even though it was October we even had brilliant weather, don't believe us, here is the proof.

We have even managed to survive our first Christmas together. It involved me dragging Helen along to the Cadet Christmas Dinner (where the first blog pic was taken) and us visiting both sets of parents and extended family on Xmas day. Somehow we managed to survive but we both realised that our Christmas plans will now have to be set well in advance otherwise we're bound to upset somebody!
The Family Pet
Harry actually arrived in our life just before Xmas. I had promised Helen a Rabbit in the Spring when the weather improved, but she has me already wrapped around her little finger by this time. So she kept asking until I gave in, especially as she'd set her heart on a unique coloured coloured bunny we'd seen at the pet shop on one of our many visits.
So after much pleading this little one arrived.

He lived with us in the Kitchen and now the weather has improved, he lives in a nice big run and a proper hutch out in the garden. He hasn't quite eaten us out of house and home yet, but he's trying his best.
The Big Secret
And I think this deserves another Drum Roll...........
I am going to become a father. There I said it, yes Helen is expecting our first little bundle of joy (assuming alot I know). Spud as it has come to be known (I hate referring to it as an "it" so Spud it is) is due toward the end of February / beginning of March. We don't know what sex (and we want that to be a surprise) and how many yet as it's too early for a scan as she is only just 10 weeks. Our only real 2 hopes are that Spud is healthy and that there is only the on Spud and that I don't have to come up with more than one name.
How did I feel when I found out. Well shock and surprise probably covers 99% of the bases of my immediate reaction. We certainly weren't planning on it. Let's just say it was a failure of modern scientific technology an leave it at that shall we. My current mood is one of happiness at the moment. I have a women that I love by my side and another person on the horizon that I will love just as much. There are certain to be hurdles on the way, we are planning to turn the spare room into a nursery towards the end of this month. Which means we need to find room for everything that currently lives in there. But I'm sure we'll overcome anything that comes our way.
And I'll let you know how things are going. I have at least 2 Helen's that'll prod me with very sharp sticks if I don't start keeping this thing up to date. So watch this space.
Thought for the day: Life will find a way.
Copyright Jurassic Park, tm, etc...
That probably best describes my life over the past 17 months. 17 months!!!!!! My god has it really been that long. When I logged into my blog for the first time in a while, I saw that I last logged on in April, I didn't really see the 2008 part until I looked more closely. I beg your indulgence with this post as it meanders about covering the last year and a bit. However if you just want the Juicy news, then by all means skip to the last section. If you can wait, well by all means continue.
I must now hang my head in shame. *Hangs head*
Okay, okay, in my mind though I have an excuse. Although if she ever caught me calling her that she'll probably be very upset with me. And even I'm not stupid enough to make my girlfriend upset with me. I can do that easy enough with out adding to it lol.
So with a suitable drum roll and fanfare... here she is.

She currently works in a nursery as a nursery nurse, but has ambitions to becomes a full-time hospital nurse or a mid-wife, she hasn't quite decided yet. However now that she has me to give her a good push in the right direction she has passed an "upskills" course and has been awarded a place at York College to start an introduction to nursing course.
I'm so proud, can't you tell lol.
So what have we been up to over the past 17 months? Here are some of the highlights:
The First Date
Well we had our first Date at Fountains Abbey in Ripon North Yorkshire. Neither of us fancied the traditional cinema / restaurant combo. We'd spent nearly 2 months talking on MSN most nights and actually felt like we knew each other quite well. So as both of us are outdoorsy types we settled on Fountains Abbey instead. After spending nearly the whole day at the Abbey we spent most of the evening talking back at my place. When she left saying she wanted to see me again the next day, I took this as a good sign ;-)
The Birthday Treat
Helen's birthday is mid-July so as a Surprise a took her to see Avenue Q in London. Helen absolutely adores musicals. She's just about seen all the popular ones and loves all the old Hollywood musicals as well as the more modern west end / Broadway ones. We went to see Avenue Q with Helen S and Simon. As we were down in London for the weekend we needed something to do on the Sunday. Coincidental, the motor show was on in London that weekend (hmmm coincidence). Anyway we went there and had an enjoyable day there, I even made a car convert of her lol. This was her favourite car of the show.

Our First Holiday
By October Helen had moved in with me (around September) officially. The only reason it wasn't official until then was that there was still more of her DVD's and clothes still at her mum's than at my house. We were both spending all our waking hours with each other. So in October we decided to take a last minute break to Centre Parcs. We decided to go to the one near Longleat Safari park, as we both wanted to visit the safari park.
It was fantastic we spent 2 full days at the Safari park and with CP just next door was easy to pop back to the accommodation. When we weren't in the Safari park we could be found in the swimming pool. And even though it was October we even had brilliant weather, don't believe us, here is the proof.

We have even managed to survive our first Christmas together. It involved me dragging Helen along to the Cadet Christmas Dinner (where the first blog pic was taken) and us visiting both sets of parents and extended family on Xmas day. Somehow we managed to survive but we both realised that our Christmas plans will now have to be set well in advance otherwise we're bound to upset somebody!
The Family Pet
Harry actually arrived in our life just before Xmas. I had promised Helen a Rabbit in the Spring when the weather improved, but she has me already wrapped around her little finger by this time. So she kept asking until I gave in, especially as she'd set her heart on a unique coloured coloured bunny we'd seen at the pet shop on one of our many visits.
So after much pleading this little one arrived.

He lived with us in the Kitchen and now the weather has improved, he lives in a nice big run and a proper hutch out in the garden. He hasn't quite eaten us out of house and home yet, but he's trying his best.
The Big Secret
And I think this deserves another Drum Roll...........
I am going to become a father. There I said it, yes Helen is expecting our first little bundle of joy (assuming alot I know). Spud as it has come to be known (I hate referring to it as an "it" so Spud it is) is due toward the end of February / beginning of March. We don't know what sex (and we want that to be a surprise) and how many yet as it's too early for a scan as she is only just 10 weeks. Our only real 2 hopes are that Spud is healthy and that there is only the on Spud and that I don't have to come up with more than one name.
How did I feel when I found out. Well shock and surprise probably covers 99% of the bases of my immediate reaction. We certainly weren't planning on it. Let's just say it was a failure of modern scientific technology an leave it at that shall we. My current mood is one of happiness at the moment. I have a women that I love by my side and another person on the horizon that I will love just as much. There are certain to be hurdles on the way, we are planning to turn the spare room into a nursery towards the end of this month. Which means we need to find room for everything that currently lives in there. But I'm sure we'll overcome anything that comes our way.
And I'll let you know how things are going. I have at least 2 Helen's that'll prod me with very sharp sticks if I don't start keeping this thing up to date. So watch this space.
Thought for the day: Life will find a way.
Copyright Jurassic Park, tm, etc...
Yay, and about time! :P
Thought you'd got lost somewhere, maybe down the back of the sofa (or underneath Harry the big rabbit).
Yay for everything in the post, as it all seems like good news!
Oh wow, congratulations on being a father-to-be!
Wow - talk about a life-changing 17 months! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations to you both!
Well, that was an update and a half!
Congratulations to you both (if there do turn out to be more than one, you don't need a new name, you'll just have spuds instead of spud).
It would be interesting to see the thoughts of a father to be as things progress, so you really do have to keep us all up to date.
Good work, young man! I look forward to this journal being resplendently full of entries over the coming months. ;-)
Congratulations to you! So, so exciting! :-)
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