Well if you believe the shops it's already Christmas, but I don't, for which I am eternally thankful for. It's only November and that means we have 2 more twelve of twelves left for the year. This is one is slightly different from most, as it crosses over slightly with another 12 of 12 being typed across from me as I type. It's a very odd experience.
1. 07:30 Approx
The obligatory breakfast shot. The only thing that differentiates this one from last months 12 of 12, is that there is no milk in this bowl and there are 1 1/2 banana's accompaning it.

2. 07:45 Approx
My car boot needs a good sorting out. A lot of it used to sit on the back seat and in the footwells, but because I had a car full of cadets last Friday I had to quickly dump it into the boot. I also dumped it in there to make my car easier to search, (which it sometimes is) when we go through security to get onto our local Airbase.
2. 07:45 Approx
My car boot needs a good sorting out. A lot of it used to sit on the back seat and in the footwells, but because I had a car full of cadets last Friday I had to quickly dump it into the boot. I also dumped it in there to make my car easier to search, (which it sometimes is) when we go through security to get onto our local Airbase.

3. 08:10 Approx
Monday morning Traffic. It's the worst traffic of the week and I really hate it. I find it just an utter waste of time to sit in a car and not go anywhere. What makes it worse is the traffic is not just caused by there being more cars, but due to the very bad design of the junction.
3. 08:10 Approx
Monday morning Traffic. It's the worst traffic of the week and I really hate it. I find it just an utter waste of time to sit in a car and not go anywhere. What makes it worse is the traffic is not just caused by there being more cars, but due to the very bad design of the junction.

4. 10:30 Approx
First task of the day is to sort out parts for those machines that have broken down over the weekend. This is a display for an operator, that seems to have died over the weekend. Poor choice of words I know considering the type of machine it is going to be attatched to.
4. 10:30 Approx
First task of the day is to sort out parts for those machines that have broken down over the weekend. This is a display for an operator, that seems to have died over the weekend. Poor choice of words I know considering the type of machine it is going to be attatched to.

5. 12:00 Approx
This is another thing that has broken down over the weekend. I'm actually setting up this PC to go out a crematorium on the Swiss/Italian border. Fortunately this version of Windows is in English, but the software is in Italian.
5. 12:00 Approx
This is another thing that has broken down over the weekend. I'm actually setting up this PC to go out a crematorium on the Swiss/Italian border. Fortunately this version of Windows is in English, but the software is in Italian.

6. 15:00 Approx
It's over to the workshop for an afternoon of testing various machines. First to be tested are the cremulators. This is a machine that we like to like to test rather thoroughly as they tend to take rather a beating at the hands of customers. The final test is to put a brick through the machine to test the anti-jamming measures. This simulates an artificial hip joint being put through the machine along with somebodies remains. The brick doesn't always survive the test.
6. 15:00 Approx
It's over to the workshop for an afternoon of testing various machines. First to be tested are the cremulators. This is a machine that we like to like to test rather thoroughly as they tend to take rather a beating at the hands of customers. The final test is to put a brick through the machine to test the anti-jamming measures. This simulates an artificial hip joint being put through the machine along with somebodies remains. The brick doesn't always survive the test.

7. 16:30 Approx
I know it looks complicated, but this is one of the more simple machines that we do. This one isn't for humans though. This one is an animal incinerator, although I think it looks like a bank safe from the front. It's designed to a whole cow or even a small horse. And if you're wondering how we get one in there...
7. 16:30 Approx
I know it looks complicated, but this is one of the more simple machines that we do. This one isn't for humans though. This one is an animal incinerator, although I think it looks like a bank safe from the front. It's designed to a whole cow or even a small horse. And if you're wondering how we get one in there...

8. 16:31 Approx
... this is it. This is a loading box for an animal incinerator. It is basically a large trough with a hydraulic ram at one end to push the "animal" down the trough and safely into the machine.
8. 16:31 Approx
... this is it. This is a loading box for an animal incinerator. It is basically a large trough with a hydraulic ram at one end to push the "animal" down the trough and safely into the machine.
9. 17:05 Approx
Work is over, but I don't leave straight away, that would mean sitting in more traffic. So I usually bob around the internet and wait out the traffic. At the moment I am playing a game of online scrabble against my boss. I'm winning, just, but he is clawing some points back in these final few turns.
Work is over, but I don't leave straight away, that would mean sitting in more traffic. So I usually bob around the internet and wait out the traffic. At the moment I am playing a game of online scrabble against my boss. I'm winning, just, but he is clawing some points back in these final few turns.

10. 18:33 Approx
Standing in the freezing cold at Micklefield Station waiting for a visitor. Who you may ask? Well you'll just have to search the other 12 of 12's to find out. Although it's probably not hard to guess. Yes I am mean like that!!
10. 18:33 Approx
Standing in the freezing cold at Micklefield Station waiting for a visitor. Who you may ask? Well you'll just have to search the other 12 of 12's to find out. Although it's probably not hard to guess. Yes I am mean like that!!

11. 20:45 Approx
This is the table which sits by my door. It's my "Too Remember" table. I put things on it that I need to take with me to work, or to other places. For tomorrow I need to remember to take these Jaffa Cakes into work, so my boss doesn't go hungry. I've got Wednesday through to Friday off and he'd jsut starve if I didn't stock up the biscuit urn. It is also where my wireless router sits, because I haven't got a long enough telephone cable for it to go anywhere else.
11. 20:45 Approx
This is the table which sits by my door. It's my "Too Remember" table. I put things on it that I need to take with me to work, or to other places. For tomorrow I need to remember to take these Jaffa Cakes into work, so my boss doesn't go hungry. I've got Wednesday through to Friday off and he'd jsut starve if I didn't stock up the biscuit urn. It is also where my wireless router sits, because I haven't got a long enough telephone cable for it to go anywhere else.

12. 22:15 Approx
Boy she moves quickly. You go to take her picture and by the time you've got your camera she's gone. Sorry folks I wasn't going to make it that easy. ;-)
12. 22:15 Approx
Boy she moves quickly. You go to take her picture and by the time you've got your camera she's gone. Sorry folks I wasn't going to make it that easy. ;-)
Digital TV. ;-) The best place to find re-runs of TV programs you can't stop watching again and again, like Top Gear. I've lost count how many times I've seen the same episode from the show, but I don't care, I still find it funny.
Digital TV. ;-) The best place to find re-runs of TV programs you can't stop watching again and again, like Top Gear. I've lost count how many times I've seen the same episode from the show, but I don't care, I still find it funny.
If you have read all of this and have no idea why I did this, then pop over here and read Chad's blog.
I know, I know! Say hi to Helen from me. :) Hope you two have a great time together!
Nice 12 of 12! Although I must say that I prefer my oatmeal with milk. lol
Hee, Christin wins a prize!
And now, I am very glad I don't work in your office, after walking round Tesco to get the biscuits and other food, and you pointing our the biscuit urn is an ACTUAL urn... [shudder]
And a brick simulating a hip? Learn something new! (and weird!)
Great shots! We had my dog cremated when he died. Mom and Dad have the granite urn he's in at home.
Now I know how cows are incinerated !!! thanks ;-)
Great idea with the "Too Remeber" table...I'll have to remember that !
The brick doesn't always survive! Argh!
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