Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Departed Parting!

There's always the same problem with a blog. How can you update it when there's nothing to update it with? I got my wish. My weekend was lovely and peaceful, with no rushing around, stressful phonecalls and not even a burnt piece of toast to remind me of work. I think the most exciting thing was probably the fact that I got my hair cut!

Don't laugh, this is a big event for me nowadays. Due to the fact that my hair is growing backwards, I go to the barbers less and less these days. This was also the first visit that didn't require them to cut my fringe, mainly due to the fact that it no longer exists. *sob*

Maybe I should post it's Epitaph:-

Andrew Ellis' Fringe

1980-2006 Aged 26

Gone, but not forgotten.

He is still with us, in our hearts &

on my driving license!

No wig will ever replace him.

I just I keep enough of it to gain some grey hairs. I've always wondered what I'd look like with grey hair and I'm hoping some of it stays around long enough to change colour.

On the subject of hair, do you know what really annoys me. Razor adverts! Being forced into using a manual razor has meant they now piss me off more than usual. The advert shows the razor gliding over some blokes face with no resistance whatsoever and then brags about how good it is. The reason it was so easy was the fact that blokes face had been waxed and polished before the advert. Either that or Gillette has a genetics program that allows them to breed genetically hairless men. It was probably an offshoot of the program to breed kittens for people allergic to cats!

Eitherway he had no stubble and therefore was in no need of a shave. I situation I would gladly like to be in. I'm sure my chin is missing 1/2 inch somewhere from that razor of mine.

Anyway maestro drumroll please.


I came across this the other day while cleaning up the files on my laptop. This is the first anime music video I ever made. This was when I was at uni and had the time to sit down and compose such things. It's depressing song I know, but if you ever watched the anime it was based on (quite apt really as it was about young girls discovery of herself on the internet!) then you'd understand how well the song fits the anime.

Enjoy: ~


Simon said...

I like the epitaph to your fringe (I typed "friend" there first time out - weird!). We should have some kind of service.

Also, with you on the the razor-hate. Oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

I think they've not only pre-shaved him, but taken the blades out of the razor, so they he just moves the razor over his jaw without shaving, or else moves it just above the skin.

Sodding razors, so expensive for blades!

CosmicAvatar said...

RIP, little fringe!