... let me just get this out of my system. ENGLAND!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!!!
Ahem! There, that's enough of that. Apart from the obvious, what else happened this weekend. Well after being totally annoyed by my camera the last time I tried to use it (long story short, the battery lasts about 30 secs) I spotted a reasonably good deal on a camera, while shopping on Saturday. Never been one to resist, I promptly loitered around the shop until i'd convinced myself it was a worthwhile purchase and then bought it. I'm determined to get some use out of this camera so I thought what better way to start then to take some pictures of my house to show you guys.
I've actually lived in the house for over a year, but I know most of you haven't actually seen it, so here's your chance...

This is obviously the front of my house (the one on the left). As you can see the front lawn slopes away in 2 directions from the front door. It causes me no end of problems to cut so i'm going to turn it into a tiered garden instead as soon as I decide on the how.
This is the back garden. Yes the grass is turning yellow, but i hope to revive it soon. Again, the garden slopes down from the back door (that's the kitchen as well). Now you know where this blog get's it's name. Let's go inside...
This is the front room. I was playing about with the camera's indoor setting and hadn't quite got the hang of it by this point. And finally...
The kitchen. Not alot to see here. I'm actually stood in a vast empty corner of the kitchen tot ake this photo. Eventually I'll put a table and chairs in here so that it can double as a dining area. But with it just being me here at the moment, I've had no real need for a table. So as you can see it's a reasonably sized 2 up, 2 down (although you'll have to take my work on the 2 up part). It was a bit untidy upstairs so you'll have to wait until i show you that.
For me living here for over a year has taken some getting used to. Having lived with my parents for a year before moving out again it was a bit of a shock on having to do everything again. It's especially hard to find time to get everything that I would like to so around the house done. So that's my house, hopefully someday you guys will be able to see it in the "brick" as it were.
*ignore as appropriate.