Well, we're not really, but we might as well be with the sense of anticipation I have right now! Tomorrow we officially reach 37 weeks. When I say we, I actually of course refer to Helen and Bump! Here is the one and only picture of Helen and Bump there is in existence.

I think we're probably about as ready as we're going to be. Although when little legs arrives we'll most likely feel quite the opposite. The nursery is all prepared and stuffed full of just about everything we think we're going to need.

The cot has been assembled and made up. Helen was desperate to make-up the cot, but at first I wouldn't let her as I though it was too early (this was a few weeks ago). So she just did it one night while I was out instead.

Note the bear in the corner. He is just one of many toys and animals that have appeared over the last 8 months (he is Uncle Gordon Bear - a Whatmore family tradition, everybody has to have one). I'm sure everyone will get the love and abuse it deserves and hey I'm as guilty as anybody for buying some of them ;-)

Helen is currently enjoying her Maternity leave to the best of her ability. Which means she gets out and about when she can, but can't do as much as she'd like. Plus she has both her Mother and me nagging her to rest. Which of course drives her crazy (Helen says I can quote her on that).

Overall things seem to be going as well as can be expected. Helen is well and really just suffering from being not able to get a good night sleep. Something which she is hoping I will share in as soon as possible lol. Our only annoyance is a midwife who is always late and didn't actually turn up to Helen's last appointment (which was actually a house call as there were no free appointments at the surgery). So I'm going to ring the surgery on Monday to find out what happened.
In other news Helen is looking forward to being able to wear her engagement ring once little legs is here. We've been engaged for 3 months and she's only really been able to wear it up until the new year. Thankfully she has a chain so she can wear it around her neck, but she's desperate to get it back on her finger.
So now we're just playing the waiting game and when something happens. You guys will obviously be some of the first (after me and the families) to know.