Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No, it's definately NOT a bus!

I think this post title could be interperated in any number of different ways. I'll leave you just to make your own ideas up ;-P

Well yesterday was S-day (scan day), this was the first of Helen's Scans so it was our first chance to see how many we were expecting! Thankfully there is only one "bun" in the oven so to speak, but spud it turns out is very camera shy. They had a hell of a time trying to get the correct pictures so they could get some measurements, so they could attempt to give us a more accurate due date.

Although as we all know the word "accurate" is a very subjective thing when it comes to these things. But at present the due date has been moved to 7th March (our estimate was out by 3 days), so we should be able to get Christmas and the beginning of the the New Year over and done with before our life gets completely turned upside down.

So without further ado, everybody meet spud!

PS I've had the new Dan Brown for 2 days already and have only been able to get 10 pages in due to everything else that's going on. It's quite frustrating!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Metamorphosis - Coutesy of Block & Quayl

Well it's another spud related post I'm afraid. Do you get the impression that he/she is already taking over our lives and we've still got 6 months yet to go. A couple of weeks ago both myself and Helen had a week booked away from work. Originally we were planning to go camping and get away, but as with all best laid plans.

Anyway, we decided that the best use of that week, would be to actually start turning the spare (read - store) room into something that will eventually be turned into spud's room. This involved taking apart the large desk from the main bedroom and putting it in the garage and moving all of the bookcase and shelves from the spare room and putting them in the main bedroom.

Everything that was in all these various pieces of furniture was transferred to either the bin, charity shop or the loft. We were left with the room as you can see below:-

Please note: I was under a press embargo not to show any of these picture until Helen was finished. Hence while it's taken a few weeks for this post to appear.

As always the first argument was colour. What colour to paint the walls? Helen wanted Yellow, I thought Green would be quite good and something different. There were lots of conversations and the wall became a Polka dot of tester colours. Eventually we agreed to diagree and decided to do both as you can see. We were originally worried about the green as it was quite bright, when it originally went on, but dried to a nice light shade.

This is the part where my artistic ability finishes. However Helen's ability is much greater than mine, I suspect developed over the years of drawing on walls and windows to please the kids at nursery. So on the Yellow walls Helen decided to draw characters from Charlie Ark. A work in progress is shown below.

The finished Article - Flo (Cow)

Ace (Bear)

Zeep (Zebra)

As you can see the curtains are still a work in progress. We may have set ourselves quite a task finding material for matching curtains. My contribution can be seen below. What you can actually see there used to be the top of the desk from the main bedroom, which I've turned on it's side and turned into a small shelving unit. It now holds all of the small cuddley toys that we are starting to collect.

From Top to bottom: Bing Bong Bunny, Polly (named after Helen's Uncles recently deceased Border Collie), an as yet unnamed Elephant and an as yet unnamed Zebra.

Finally we come to the first piece of actual baby related furniture to make it into the room. This is a baby changing stand that we bought from Ikea. We didn't set out to buy it (those are probably going to be my last words) we'd just gone to Ikea for some boxes. We saw one of these on our way round, thought it was nice but at £50!!!!! Way too expensive for us. So we went to the checkouts with our boxes and past one of these in the "Bargain Corner". We couldn't find any damage on it, in fact the only thing we could see was the pull tabs were missing on the zips. When we enquired about the price we were told we could have it for £25. I keep waiting to hear the sirens as the police turn up.

I keep thinking that 6 months is still plenty of time and yet when I think how quick the last 2 months has gone (since we found out), 6 months doesn't seem long enough!

Oh and tomorrow is scan Day!!!!!! Where did that come from?????

Thought for the day: Paper! Used for Sonnets, Novels, Symphonies and wiping your Arse!!